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Issue 1

September 27th, 2019

Winter Formal dances its way on over to Rose

MON. | 11-28-22 | NEWS

     For the first time in three years, Rose is hosting a winter dance for students of all grades to attend. The winter formal will occur Friday, Dec. 2, from 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. in the Rose commons. The doors to enter will close at 8:30 P.M.. Student Government Association (SGA) is the club organizing the winter formal, as well as all other Rose dances.

     Caitlin Stockwell, the sophomore class secretary, is helping organize the dance with her fellow officers. The SGA officers have a large role in organizing the winter formal, choosing a date, selling tickets and more. 

     “First we have to find the date and secure it with the principal and then we have to advertise for it,” Stockwell said. “We have to have people sign up to sell tickets once we make the tickets and also people have to volunteer to chaperone and help decorate, and then obviously clean up after.”

     The winter formal was originally a fall formal, but the date was changed due to conflicts with Rose’s athletics schedule. After the date was changed to early December, the decision was made to call it the winter formal to better fit the season. 



Graphic by Averi Simpson 

     “We struggled to find a date to accommodate the majority of the students,” Stockwell said. “We didn’t know if [the football team] were going to be in the playoffs or not so we just found it easier to move to early December.”

     Tickets for the winter formal will be available to purchase days of the week Nov. 28 through Dec. 1 outside of the cafeteria during Refresh. They will be $7 for one ticket, $10 for two and $15 for a guest ticket. If a student brings someone from outside of Rose, they must follow specific guidelines to bring them.

     “They cannot be younger than a freshman or older than 20,” Stockwell said. “You have to get a form signed by their principal and our principal, and they have to submit a picture of themselves.”

     Since the only school dance that has been held in the past three years was last year’s prom, this is the first time the current freshman, sophomore, and junior class will be able to attend a school dance due to COVID-19. The past dances available to all grades were canceled, but SGA has ensured that this winter formal will return this aspect of Rose to normalcy. Junior Carson Fraley has experienced firsthand the absence of dances for her first two years of high school.

     “No one is really to blame, there were circumstances and I understand why we have never had dances,” Fraley said. “I wouldn’t say [it is] unfair, maybe just unfortunate.”

     Fraley believes that dances are an important part of the high school experience and is planning on attending the winter formal. Fraley hasn’t attended a dance since fifth grade and isn’t sure what to expect, but knows that she will have fun.

     “It’s another way for all the students to be able to get together, it’s like a sporting event,” Fraley said.  “It’s something that everyone can do and everyone’s invited to no matter what.”

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