Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Ebron wins Teacher of the Year
THURS. | 10-28-21 | NEWS
SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS
On Wednesday Oct. 6, Tonya Ebron was announced the winner of 2021 Rose Teacher of the Year. Ebron has taught Exceptional Children (EC) classes at Rose for 15 years, and is the EC chair and school contact.
Ebron was nominated for Teacher of the Year by history teacher, Liza Knight. Knight has worked closely with Ebron over the past four years on various committees, and recognized her dedication and commitment to Rose, the EC department and her students through her work.
“Over the previous four years I got to know her a lot better by working with her on a Community of Practice,” said Knight. “I realized how much she contributes to Rose and our committee and how valuable of a member of our team she was.”
The process of becoming Rose Teacher of the Year begins with a nomination from a staff member at the school. After nominations are submitted, an email is then sent to the staff where they vote on the nominees and choose the teacher they feel best meets the Teacher of the Year criteria. The winner is contacted by the previous Teacher of the Year, and is sent paperwork and a portfolio to complete to move on to the Pitt County Teacher of the Year running.
“Winning [Rose] Teacher of the Year means a lot,” said

Photo by Eleanor Blount
Ebron. “It has been a long time since an EC teacher has won it [and] being a EC teacher is oftentimes a very thankless job.”
Throughout her time at Rose, Ebron has contributed to the EC department in a variety of ways. In addition to serving as the EC chair, she has taught almost every core subject to her EC classes.
“I’ve always been an EC teacher but I’ve taught almost all of the subjects,” said Ebron. “I’ve taught biology, OC prep, applied science, American history 1 and 2 and in English 1, 2, 3 and 4.”
On top of her teaching responsibilities, Ebron has also had to make adjustments in her department to help accommodate staff shortages.
“[Mrs. Ebron] is also the chair of the EC department who is down several staff members,” said Knight. “She's having to make up for all of that and do extra work and go to extra meetings, but she does everything with a smile on her face and good, positive energy and is always thinking about what's best for her students.”
Over the next few weeks, Ebron will be submitting a portfolio to the county to run for Pitt County Schools Teacher of the Year.
In previous years, Rose has had many Pitt County Schools Teacher of the Year runner-ups and winners. Last year, science teacher Clinton Todd won Teacher of the Year on the school and county level, and in 2019, English teacher Julie Berry was the Pitt County Schools Teacher of the Year runner-up. Knight, who nominated Ebron, has nominated previous Rose Teachers of the Year who moved on to the county level competition, including English teacher Julie Berry and history teacher Amity Kea.