Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
The plot thickens in Rose’s new mystery play
MON. | 11-28-22 | NEWS
This year, Rose's annual fall play "The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens" opens on Monday, Nov. 17. The play will run Monday, Nov. 17 at 7 P.M., Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 7 P.M., and Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 2 P.M. and 7 P.M. It will take place at the Rose Performing Arts Center and tickets are currently available to purchase online.
“The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens” is a murder mystery detailing the murder of Edward Worthington, a tyrannical millionaire. Rose theater director, Jacquline Golebiowski, described it as unlike the typical take on a murder mystery.
“I think that that’s what’s so interesting about it; all the characters have their own quirky personalities and it’s really like a ‘who done it’,” Golebiowski said.
Edward Worthington is played by senior Billy Miller, who has been in multiple Rose plays and musicals in the past, including “The Addams Family” and “Aladdin”. Miller enjoys theater and has been working with the other actors to prepare for opening night.
“It’s a lot of rehearsing, a lot of trying to get to know the character that you're playing,” Miller said. “There has to be a lot of communication between you and the tech group so y’all know what props y’all need during what scene, what sets, at what time.”

Photo by Maya Swaggerty
The technical theater group is a separate category of the drama club which is run by technical director Cristina Borisoff. They make all of the backgrounds and props used in the play. They also control the lighting and sound.
The drama club rehearses after school and they work on going through all scenes in order. The actors have to memorize their lines and rehearse together to prepare for the play. They all have mainly the same amount of stage time so everyone rehearses together.
While the actors believe rehearsing is an important piece of the play, sometimes they face challenges with rehearsal times, such as having to leave early for other events. The drama club makes sure to work through these obstacles to have the best outcome on opening night.
“The biggest thing has been different students' schedules,” Golebiowski said. “We have a couple students who work so they have to leave a little bit earlier in the afternoons than they typically would.”
Both Miller and Golebiowski highly recommend going to the show. They encourage all students to support activities that Rose offers, including theater. They think that this year's play will be very interesting and enjoyable to anyone who is interested in coming to watch.
“Theater is one of the biggest things that school can offer and it’s going to be very exciting,” said Miller. “We have very good actors; it's fun.”