Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Teen Leadership promotes opportunity in Pitt County
MON. | 06-07-21 | NEWS
SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS
The Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce Teen Leadership Institute (TLI) is a program that was created in 1988 to educate and influence students in taking a role in serving their community. This year, 5 of the 25 TLI members were from Rose.
“Through education, networking, peer interaction and problem solving, the Teen Leadership Institute helps prepare students for constructive and responsible involvement in community affairs,” the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce website said.
TLI is open to all public, private and early college high schools located in Pitt County. There is involvement in six Pitt County High Schools in particular, John Paull II, The Oakwood School, Christ Covenant, Greenville Christian Academy, Innovation Early College and Pitt County Early College.
Junior Blythe Bacon was awarded Teen Leader of the Year on Tuesday, May 4. at the TLI graduation ceremony for all members in Pitt County. The ceremony was held at the Keene park center on May 4. In order to qualify for the award, members had to attend sessions where they met with community leaders and businesses, display leadership and be

Photo contributed by Blythe Bacon
nominated by peers.
“Though this was my only year in the Teen Leadership Institute, ... from what I could tell from previous years, this year was quite different,” Bacon said. ”Instead of having all sessions in-person, about half of the sessions took place via Zoom.”
Bacon has since received a scholarship of around $250 from her involvement in TLI on behalf of the Greenville Noon Rotary organization to any college of her choice. This was the second year of the Greenville Noon Rotary sponsoring a scholarship for TLI.
Some sessions were able to take place in-person where members were able to network with local organizations. One day, members traveled across town to meet with organizations to gain a better understanding of how they promote and support our community such as the Noon Rotary Club, Pirate Club, Community Crossroads and Third Street.
“This year was also different with our service projects,” Bacon said. “The advisors told us that past groups usually do a service project for their schools, but since so many [schools] were negatively impacted by COVID, groups would do their service project with local non-profits.”
The Rose group was able to partner with Community Crossroads, a homeless shelter in Greenville, and hold a paper drive.
“For our project, we held a paper drive where we raised paper items/products such as toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, disposable plates and cups, utensils and more,” Bacon said. “Due to COVID, Community Crossroads was in much need of disposable items.”
The drive was held from late April until May 14.
If you are interested in joining TLI in the future, see the front office for an application at the beginning of the school year, or apply online on the Pitt County Chamber of Commerce website.