Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Talent takes back the stage at Rose
TUES. | 4-4-23 | NEWS
The Rose Cares Club will be hosting a talent show for students to participate in on Wednesday, March 28. This will be the first Rose talent show since 2019 due to COVID-19. Rose Cares initially partnered with the dance department to hold annual talent shows along with a few other clubs, however, this year they will be hosting it by themselves.
The show is not limited to members of the club; all students are allowed to participate in the show as long as they audition.
“All students are welcome as long as they try out,” Rose Cares advisor and math teacher Mario Blanchard said. “The purpose of the tryout is just to make sure we do not have too many people performing, causing it to last all night.”
Blanchard is in charge of planning the talent show this year and has been holding audition sessions during refresh.
“Students who want to participate can just come by for 30 seconds to a minute and sing a little bit of the song they wanted to do or what they were going to perform and then I would just judge it to make sure they were a good fit,” Blanchard said.

Photo by Averi Simpson
Many participants who have already auditioned will be singing in the show, but all talents are welcome as long as everything is school appropriate.
“Most of the people are singing, however, there is one male group who is doing a duet that has a skit to go along with it that I am probably most excited about,” Blanchard said.
The way the show will be scored this year differs from the way it was previously scored in past years.
“I want to try to do the scoring a little bit different and actually have the audience score it this year,” Blanchard said. “We will still have a few judges so half of the score will come from them and half of it will come from the audience.”
The winner of the talent show will receive a medal.
The show will be held in the performing arts center at Rose at 6:00 P.M. and admission to the show is free; however, the club does ask that people bring either a canned good or a dollar if they are able to and all the donations received will go to the food bank.
Blanchard encourages everyone who can attend to come out and s