Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Students discover diversity within Rose
WED. | 4-26-23 | NEWS
Rose celebrated Diversity Day on March 30 in the Commons area. Teachers Randall Leach, Liza Knight, Stephanie Noles and Alessandra Nysether-Santos have been leaders in organizing this event.
Diversity Day is a gathering among Rose students to honor a culture or movement they believe should be spread amongst fellow students. Randall Leach is a part of a Community of Practice (COP) formed by a group of teachers who organize events like Diversity Day to promote the freedom to express ideas the Rose community embodies. Leach believes this event is a blend of movements a student could support and represent themselves.
“We are giving people a platform,” Leach said, “Giving people a voice, giving people an opportunity, encouraging them that there are people to hear and learn.”
Leach believes there needs to be a space to honor any movement, not just a culture or ethnicity.
“It doesn’t have to be cultural diversity,” Leach said. “It’s whatever they’re interested in.”

Photo by London Stox
Most of the presentations are about a student’s culture or ethnicity, but this year a student exemplified that Diversity Day is not only about different cultures.
“Somebody had the idea of doing Autism Awareness,” Leach said. “We’ve never had an autism awareness booth before, and it was a brilliant idea.”
Diversity Day consisted of a handful of presentations about different cultures from around the world that are embraced among the student body. The leaders of Diversity Day made sure to organize the event to set goals for students who want to increase their knowledge through conversation and trying food.
“You would have a passport,” Leach said. “Then you would go around to different booths and you would learn something.”
To prevent students from eating the food in surplus without learning from the booths, there were requirements students had to meet before gaining access to the food.
“You would have to get five stamps before you could try any food,” Leach said.
Leach hopes Diversity Day will continue to grow amongst students who believe in certain movements and has seen a larger growth in booths this year.
“We have always just done [Diversity Day] in the commons,” Leach said. “But we got more booths, so we did it in the commons and the media center.”
Leach believes that Diversity Day should continue among the Rose community, and wants to express the uniqueness of the student body to the rest of the Rose community.
“We are just trying to keep it a Rose thing for now and just see how we can keep growing from here,” Leach said.