Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Staff gets strict on parking
WED. | 10-26-22 | NEWS
At the start of this school year, many students began receiving bright green “WARNING” parking stickers on their cars. This is the work of Major Timothy Davis and 1st Sergeant Robert Overby, the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) instructors. They have begun regulating parking this year after a three year break due to COVID-19.
“When Mr. Lee became assistant principal, he asked us to take over parking once again," Davis said.
Rose has decided to enforce parking again because more students are back to face-to-face learning and Overby believes the rules cannot be as lenient without causing any issues.
“Nobody was coming to school, everybody was doing stuff at home or at least half the population was,” Overby said, “so now that we are getting everybody back in school it's time to start following the rules again.
In addition to monitoring the parking lot every school day during their planning periods, Davis and Overby also monitor the Friday night football game parking with the help of their JROTC students.

Photo by Ives Howard
Davis and Overby alternate weeks monitoring the parking lot. They also alternate each day doing the front or back lot. On Overby’s week, he uses a different form of transportation to speed up the process.
“I ride my bicycle around the parking lot, and sometimes I ride my motorcycle,” Overby said. “I can check all the parking lots in about an hour on my motorcycle.”
The parking warnings are decals that are placed on student or faculty members' cars. The parking warnings state all the possible reasons for a parking violation, along with a check mark to reflect which rule you violated. According to Davis, the main rules they look out for are vehicles with no parking permit or if a vehicle is parked in an incorrect spot in correlation to their pass.
Davis and Overby take several steps to ensure they do not give out any warnings incorrectly. They check if someone is taking another’s spot before giving a warning to correctly find the root of the issue.
“We don’t give you the parking warning until we know you are the one that caused the parking in the wrong spot,” Davis said. “Normally what happens is someone parks in your spot and you park one space over and it’s kind of like a domino effect, so we look for that first car and give them the warning.”
Overby accepts no excuses while issuing a parking warning. The parking passes are detachable and to be hung from the rearview mirror with the number facing out.
“If you wrecked your car, and your car was going to be at the body shop for two weeks you can take your hanger out and put it in your mom's car,” Overby said.
Davis and Overby use excel spreadsheets to keep track of warnings they have given out. In the spreadsheet, Davis and Overby put the parking pass that the driver has (if any), where they were parked and the date. Then, Davis and Overby send this spreadsheet to assistant principal Sam Lee, who decides what punishments to give. The punishments differ based on the number of offenses.
“It could be anywhere from him calling a kid down to his office and talking to them about getting a parking pass or eventually if it keeps on, losing your parking privileges,” Davis said.