Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Spanish club "salsas" into holiday break
MON. | 12-28-20 | NEWS
SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS
One of the many clubs that is available to students at Rose is the Spanish Club. The students who are involved in this club typically explore different aspects of Spanish culture by hosting dine-arounds or fundraisers, such as their annual Pulsera Project. This year, due to COVID-19, the club has had to adapt some of its normal operations compared to previous years.
Spanish Club usually hosts their regular salsa dancing lessons each year. However, this year, Spanish Club held virtual salsa dancing lessons that were conducted through Zoom by Spanish Club advisor Cynthia Williams and dance teacher Tara Shoemaker on Wednesday, Dec. 3.
Another big change that the Spanish Club faced was not being able to participate in the Pulsera Project. The Pulsera Project is an organization that educates and connects Spanish artists with students through bracelet making. Typically Spanish Club engages in this during March, but due to the circumstances of this year, they were not able to host this event. Williams feels as though this is the biggest obstacle that Spanish Club has faced this year.
“The big thing that was supposed to happen was the Pulsera Project where we sell handmade bracelets that are made by

Photo contributed from @jhrosespanish
mostly Hispanic women and some men who can’t get out and work in countries like Honduras and Guatemala,” Williams said. “They make the bracelets at home while they can be with their families and then we sell them here in the United States and we give all of the money we make back to them.”
However, with the absence of this engagement, Spanish Club has been opened to explore new opportunities. In the future, Williams would like to try to do more volunteer work, for example, by reading to Hispanic children.
Another addition which has been implemented this year is Project Elf, which is a program that sponsors Christmas gifts for children in foster care. Although this Christmas season has been new and different, the Spanish Club is still doing its part by expanding its horizons in finding new opportunities to serve and interact within the Rose community.
“You don’t have to speak Spanish to be in the Spanish Club; you just have to enjoy what we do, so anyone who is just interested or even just wants to learn more about Hispanic culture can be part of the club,” Williams said.