Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
SGA partners with exceptional kids for field day
THURS. | 05-19-22 | NEWS
On Friday, Apr. 29, Dream Team and Student Government Association (SGA) hosted Exceptional Children (EC) Field Day along with EC teachers, replacing Special Olympics for this year. Members of both clubs were paired with buddies and assisted at the several stations offered. In addition to the stations that were offered, food and face painting were available for Dream Team members.
“We felt, as a staff, that we needed to do something to interact our regular ed kids with our EC kids like we usually do, so we came up with basically doing our own Special Olympics here at Rose,” Dream Team advisor and math teacher Amanda Davis said.
Special Olympics is a county-wide

Photo contributed by Erin Stockwell
program that focuses on Exceptional Children of all ages, not just in high school. Due to COVID, it has not been offered recently; this prompted the creation of EC Field Day, which was only implemented at Rose.
“We came up with the plan to give [the EC students] a day because they have not had Special Olympics in about two years,” EC teacher assistant Shatina Hines said.
EC Field Day was hosted on the Rose football and track field, and members were organized into several different groups that rotated between each activity in a set time slot. The planning for these activities and groups was mostly done by EC teachers.
“There was karaoke, freeze dance, cup stacking, tic-tac-toe, face painting, water balloon toss and snacks,” Dream Team and SGA member Maddie Anderson said. “There were just a lot of activities you could do with your buddy.”
Dream Team members were assigned partners before the event started. The members met them in their classrooms that morning and then stayed with them for the rest of EC Field Day.
“[Members] knew their buddy’s name and the room number that their buddy was in,” Anderson said. “We walked down to their rooms and picked them up and went outside from there.”
Both Davis and Anderson believe that collaborating with EC peers helps students develop necessary skills that they would not otherwise have. Anderson says it helps her develop necessary social skills.
“It brings a new aspect into my life and such a positive environment,” Anderson said. “I think it makes me a better person to be able to help them; it’s such a judgment-free zone.”
Hines believes that EC Field Day is beneficial to EC students, as it allows them to interact with regular education peers and get out of the self-contained classroom. Anderson agrees that it also helps her in interacting with EC peers.
“It gives [EC students] an outlet to get out, get some air, run around and enjoy the day,” Hines said.