Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
As Rose seniors wrap up their high school experience and prepare for graduation, they will have the opportunity to look back at some of their elementary schools one more time. This year, seniors are participating in a senior walk-through at Eastern Elementary School and South Greenville Elementary School on Tuesday, May 21.
Eastern Elementary School and South Greenville Elementary School were chosen for the senior walk through because they are the elementary feeder schools for Rose.
“Our seniors will put on their cap and gowns and walk through the feeder schools, like a parade,” counselor Pamela Williamson said. “The elementary kids will be in the hallway cheering them on.”
Senior Martha Blount is attending the

Photo by Seth Bright
senior walk-through and is excited. Blount looks forward to participating in this event and being a role model for younger students.
“I think it impacts them by giving them someone to look up to and something to look forward to,” Blount said.
Blount appreciates how her elementary teachers pushed her out of her comfort zone and prepared her for school years ahead. She thinks it will give the teachers a sense of pride seeing the students they taught and how far they have come.
“I think it will impact the teachers by helping them realize hard work really does pay off,” Blount said.
Eastern Elementary school counselor Nicole White also thinks it is going to be a positive experience for teachers and counselors to see their previous students all grown up.
“It’s such an amazing feeling to see how far they've come from tiny kindergarteners to graduating seniors, and to be proud of all their accomplishments and the path that lay in front of them,” White said.
The walkthrough is not only a great opportunity for the seniors and teachers, but also the younger students. They will be able to see successful graduating students and be inspired to graduate high school one day.
“It gives them role models to look up to and encourages them to go to high school and graduate,” White said.
Blount thinks it is going to be a great experience to walk through and see her elementary school and her favorite teachers.
“[I am looking forward to] seeing my old teachers and the environment because it has definitely changed since I've been there,” Blount said.
Williamson thinks this is going to be a great celebration of our seniors and motivation for the younger students for years to come.