Rose basketball highlights
School paper is more than the news
SAT. | 05-28-22 | OPINION
As a staff member of the Rose newspaper, Rampant Lines, it has been brought to my attention by students, teachers and fellow staff members of the journalism program that a select group of people are not fond of our paper. We have been described as disruptive, meddling and an annoyance to ongoing classes. I feel that these adjectives are unfair and mainly used by people who have no idea what our group is like.

Photo by Liv Carpenter
First off, we are more than just the school paper; journalism is an actual class counted as an English elective credit. Our articles, interview questions, ad sales and editors building newspaper pages are all part of our final grade. For the opinion and entertainment sections, two articles need to be written — one for each section.
When teachers or other staff members complain to us or to their classes that we are irresponsible and have better things to do, they’re telling us that our class doesn’t matter and isn’t important. However, I think I speak for all of us when I say that our class is just as important as any other elective, especially in the English department.
When students join journalism, they learn about a whole new way of writing using Associated Press Style instead of the Modern Language Association Style that we’re used to. On top of that, they learn about how to conduct interviews and find the most reputable sources for their stories.
For example, if a sports staff writer wanted to write about a game the girl’s lacrosse team played, they would need to contact the coach and/or a member of the team. This is not just for the story, but it’s an assignment that if not completed could result in a zero for a grade.
Another aspect of journalism that we learn about is how to be respectful and professional. At the end of every issue, we deliver newspapers to classrooms starting at 3 p.m. We are taught to lightly knock on the door, wait for an answer and politely ask if any student or teacher would like a newspaper.
Unfortunately, there are some classrooms that we do not deliver to, due to the teachers actively stating that “no one reads the school paper,” or that we are “disrupting important class time”.
It’s understandable if a class is testing or working on projects and needs quiet time. If this is the case, the delivery people should be respectfully told to come back later once the class has finished testing instead of insulting us in emails or to our face.
Also, just because a teacher doesn’t like the school paper and doesn’t read it doesn’t mean that students don’t want to read it. Luckily, if we are unable to deliver to a student who wants a paper, we have extra copies located outside the journalism lab.
The amount of disrespect Rampant Lines receives is unnecessary and, in my opinion, is unprofessional, especially considering some of the comments we have overheard. I think journalism is a fun and very educational class overall, and it should not be treated any differently than other classes.