Rose basketball highlights
Santana puts others before himself
MON. | 10-31-22 | FEATURES
Sometimes starting off in a new school can be overwhelming and scary, But students like Saul Santana can make students who might feel uncomfortable or nervous feel more at home and comfortable in their own skin.
Saul Santana is in Tracy Moore's second period math 1 class.
Santana has been speaking Spanish since he was born and English since he was 11. Before living in Greenville Santana lived in the Dominican Republic, after moving here Santana struggled to make

Photo by Kemorah Ullah
friends, not just Four years later he is one of the kindest students at Rose.
When Santana moved to America, he struggled with the language barrier from Spanish to English. His dad helped him bridge the gap and now he is fluent in English.
“My dad really helped me through it” Santana said.
Being a brother is not easy but Sauls brother Sophmore Miguel Santana sets a great example for Saul.
“You are the oldest one, so you need to be the one to inspire the younger ones” Miguel said. Miguel believes saul looks up to him.“I feel like its me who also motivate him” Miguel said.
“We have been together for our whole life,” Miguel said.
“Ever since he was a kid he has always been active, and friendly, he never wanted to be by himself, ” Miguel said. Miguel wants everyone to live by the golden rule “Don't treat someone bad because you don't want to be treated like that”
Recently, Saul was in Mrs Moores refresh and he noticed another student who was struggling with English, so he helped, Saul noticed that the student was struggling with his math and the word problems that were in English so he helped translate and help explain in ways the Mrs Moore couldn't.
“He is a leader not a follower, he is ‘people oriented’ and not all about himself” Moore said. After he helped, he offered to move the student to his math class so he could help with math on a daily basis.
Even when the student Santana is helping is unwilling to learn, Santana is always willing to help “sometimes he does it sometimes he doesn't, but Saul helps all the time,” Moore said. Saul is a diamond in the rough when it comes to kindness and maturity especially when you take in to account the fact that he is freshman
“He is mature beyond his classmates for sure” Moore said
“Having kids like Saul changes the whole makeup of the school, making it a much more inviting place,” Moore said. Saul is helping other kids who are uncomfortable or awkward and he makes them feel at home and accepted by being kind. “We have a lot of new kids, to feel accepted and have somebody be nice is awesome” Moore said.
“I think this school has so many students who are hidden gems, and if we can bring those gems to light what a great place this would be” Moore said.
Saul Santana is a great example for students at Rose to be kinder and treat people better.