Rose basketball highlights
Wed.| 10-23-24 | SPORTS
challenges that come along with it. Despite the challenge, they were set on continuing their careers after high school.
“I enjoy the challenge of it being an individual sport and I knew I wanted to continue and play at the next level and hopefully play professional golf one day,” Williams said.
Along with the competitive side of golf, the connections and people you get to meet is a big contributor in players' love for the sport.
Williams has been playing golf for over ten years and gives credit to his Grandpa for getting hooked on the game that he has learned to love.
“My Grandpa got me into the game and is the reason I'm still playing today,” Williams said.
While West landed his commitment to Wofford College, he had a different experience with recruiting than Williams. West, originally committed to High Point University, made the switch over to Wofford over the summer.
“I committed to High Point in November 2023, but my coach moved to Wofford, so I ended up following him there. “I definitely felt like Wofford was a better fit,” West said.
There are many accomplishments that have been made playing golf at Rose, but West says his biggest by far was winning the state championship his freshman year and strives to get back in that position again this upcoming season.
“My freshman year, we won the state championship, I didn’t really understand how big of a deal it was until now,” West said.
Junior lacrosse player Clara Pierce Smith has committed to play at East Carolina University and is excited to continue her academic and athletic career at the collegiate level.
Smith's love for lacrosse came from her brother; growing up, he played lacrosse and is the reason why she plays today.
“My brother played and my dad helped coach him, and that made me want to start playing,” Smith said.
Smith plays competitive lacrosse outside of school that helped her get recruited, but she says the impact Rose lacrosse has had on her is unlike any other.
“It's really fun to play with all my friends there. I get to share something that's really special to me and that I love with all the people that I love, which is awesome,” Smith says.
Clara Evans, junior volleyball player at Rose has committed to play beach volleyball at Texas Christian University.
Although Evans is set on pursuing beach volleyball after high school, she plays a big role on the indoor volleyball team at Rose. For the 2024 season, the rampant volleyball team consists of no seniors, so she has to step up.
“In beach volleyball, I'm a defender or split blocker, and indoors, I'm a DS [defensive specialist] and an outside hitter,” Evans said.
Evans has been on varsity since her sophomore year. She has stayed healthy since her injury her freshman year.
“Freshman year, I was hurt for the season, so I played JV the second half of the season,” Evans said.
Evans has been on varsity since her sophomore year. She has stayed healthy since her injury her freshman year.
The variety of careers may be different, but each athlete has very similar goals playing freshman year.
All four athletes will look to lead the Rampants to the state championship in the upcoming season and finish off their impressive high school careers with a ring.

Four rampants stepping on campus for the 2025 school year have made their decisions to take the next steps in their academic and athletic careers.
Over the summer, Seniors Lake Williams and Jack West, who are both avid golfers here at Rose, made the decision to play at the next level. Williams will be taking his talents to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, while West will be attending Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC.
Both love the game of golf and the