Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Rose orchestra prepares for adjudication
FRI. | 05-20-22 | NEWS
The Rose orchestra is performing for a panel of adjudicators at Jamestown High School in Williamsburg, VA on Saturday, May 14. After they perform, they will travel to Busch Gardens to enjoy the theme park. Orchestra has 14 students that will travel to Williamsburg on a charter bus to perform and compete against other orchestras. The Rose choir and bands (concert, wind ensemble and jazz) are performing separately as well. Local middle schools, Farmville and C.M. Eppes are also performing.
The orchestra is led by Director Betsy Hughes, who has taught Early Bird Honors Orchestra and 1st period String Orchestra at Rose for six years. She also directs the C.M. Eppes Middle School orchestra and has taught string orchestra for 21 years.
“We have been practicing all semester for this event; we are performing the first movement of Vivaldi's Double Concerto for Two Cellos and will feature our two senior cellists, Jack Chen and Chris Murray,” said

Photo contributed by Juliette Workman
Hughes. “We are also playing O Magnum Mysterium, which is a contemporary work.”
The orchestra will receive comments and feedback from adjudicators while playing and will be given a score based on their performance. The orchestra has competed in events similar to this before, but has not been able to in the past couple of years.
“During COVID, our opportunities to make music together were very limited,” said Hughes. “By traveling to Busch Gardens as a group, we will be able to enjoy our time with the friends everyone has made in orchestra.”
Rose senior Cecilia Vera has been playing the violin for seven years, starting at E.B. Aycock Middle School, and is participating in the upcoming performance. She is most excited about playing with her peers and enjoying the rest of the day at the theme park.
“It means a lot to be able to play with the group, because even before COVID hit, we had plans to perform outside of Greenville and they were postponed because of snow, and then we never got to because of the pandemic,” said Vera. “A big trip like this is definitely more exciting and a relief that we finally get to perform.”
Vera hopes to get good feedback from the judges and have fun with her friends that are also in orchestra at the theme park. All 14 students have been practicing diligently to prepare for this event and are excited to show off the pieces they have been working on.