Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Rose jazz band moves into their eastern MPA
FRI. | 05-20-22 | NEWS
On Friday, May 13, Rose’s jazz band is participating in their Jazz Music Performance Adjudication (MPA) competition in the Performance Art Center (PAC). Schools from all over eastern North Carolina are coming to Rose to be judged and learn how to improve skills.
At this competition, three judges will come and rate bands based on how well they perform. Each band will play two to three pieces. There are five options that the judges can choose from to rate a band’s performance: poor, below average, average, excellent and superior. The point of this concert is not to be a competition, but for jazz players to be critiqued by qualified experts in order for them to enhance their skills and performances.
“Everyone has to play their own part and fit in musically [to score well],” freshman trumpet player Abby Hernandez said.
The jazz band has been preparing for this event since February, but also had to split

Photo by Harry Albritton
their practice time with other events they partake in, such as the recent Rose theatre play.
“We have been preparing for this for the whole semester,” senior saxophone player Luke Metzger said. “We play the same songs at different events, so we practice [the songs we will play at MPA] every day.”
Rose has two bands that will be playing at the competition. There is the green band, which is freshman and sophomores, and the blue band, which consists of juniors and seniors. The green band is taught by band instructor Helen Park while the blue band is under the instruction of band teacher Matthew Howard.
“[Park] helps everyone understand their part [in the song] and get it down,” Hernandez said. “She helps get everything together.”
Another arts-related event that recently occurred was the Raise the Barre fundraiser by the Relevé Project. The Relevé Project is a nonprofit program that's goal is to build confidence and self-esteem in children and teens through greater access to dance and arts education. This event took place on Sunday, May 1st at Wright Auditorium and involved several dance studios performing in order to raise money that selected dancers could use to pay for their classes.
“We invited all the dance studios around to perform and help us raise money,” Rose dance teacher Tara Nojima said. “We had a couple of hip-hop dances; we also had some jazz and contemporary dances.”
Nojima is one of the chair members for the Relevé Project and helped put this event together. She had two students in her class perform for Rose.
“The two girls that performed in it made their own choreography during Refresh,” Nojima said. “They have been working on [their dance] since they started the class in January.”
Each company performed two choreographed pieces at the event. The event raised enough money for six local dancers to practice for free.
“The students just have to go online [to the Relevé Project] and fill out an application for whichever studio they take classes at,” Nojima said.
Rose’s fine arts department has held many events in the past few weeks. Both jazz band and dance held events to highlight their members' talent and hard work. They Raised the Barre for other fine arts members by showcasing what they have been practicing all semester for an audience.