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Rose improves ACT testing

WED.| 3-20-24 | OPINION

     On Monday, Feb. 26, for the first time in Rose’s history, all juniors were removed from their normal classes to prepare them for American College Testing (ACT). As a junior who attended this ACT Bootcamp, I certainly think this training helped prepare me for the test, but it could still use a few tweaks to make it more beneficial to all students. 

     For context, the ACT Bootcamp was held in the

100 hall, with students


being assigned to specificclassrooms based on their advisory classes. Two separate sessions were held, meaning students were assigned to either the morning or afternoon group. During these roughly three-hour sessions, teachers specializing in different subjects cycled through classrooms, providing students with information and study material on each section of the ACT. 

     While several students, including me, were already familiar with the ACT process, I can certainly see how this Bootcamp would be helpful to juniors who are new to this test. Each teacher provided detailed information about the topics and questions covered in all sections of the ACT, in addition to addressing the time restrictions of this exam.

     The most beneficial part of the ACT Bootcamp was the practice questions they provided us with. Each teacher gave out handouts with questions similar to those on the actual exam, making for a great study resource. We were also provided with a list of math formulas and topics typically covered in the test, which certainly came in handy since many of us haven't taken Maths I, II and III in several years. 

My biggest complaint with the ACT Bootcamp was that they failed to address the importance of the test itself.               Many juniors do not realize the collegiate value of performing well on the ACT or how it relates to other standardized tests like the SAT. I also think students would benefit from being educated on the process of super scoring your ACT, or the fact that you can retake the test later and choose to send your best score to colleges. With this knowledge, students are better able to maximize their test scores, increasing their likelihood of getting into an accredited university.

      Overall, the ACT Bootcamp is a great idea and I am glad Rose chose to implement it this year. Our teachers and administrators did a great job of preparing us for the exam. With the few informational changes I mentioned, I believe that the ACT Bootcamp will be even better moving forward.

Graphic by Owen Simmons 

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