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Issue 1

September 27th, 2019

Resigning results in larger class

THURS. | 02-03-22 | NEWS

     Most teachers normally deal with classes with 20 to 30 people. However, this semester, one teacher, Kristine Boccia, is faced with a challenge: a class of 57 students. 

     Bethany Waters, a former English teacher at Rose, left the school before the beginning of the second semester, leaving her classes without a teacher. The English department came up with the idea of Boccia giving her assignments to the class, and keeping them in a room with a long term substitute. 

     “That doesn’t really seem fair to those kids,” Boccia said. 

     After having a year of online classes, she found it was important to be face to face. She then came up with the idea of using Zoom to teach the two classes simultaneously, but this also seemed problematic to the students in her opinion. 

     “Human interaction is important,” Boccia said. “I’ve maintained that all along.” 

     After all other ideas seemed unfair, she proposed the idea of combining two classes and putting them into the lecture hall. She then received permission to use the room and began preparation.

     Boccia said that the way she encourages student participation has not changed; although, there are twice as many assignments to grade.

     For other minor adjustments, Boccia will not be alone. She is supported by her long term substitute Iris Jackson, and the rest of the teachers on the 300


Photo by Elliott Flinchbaugh

Hall. She also has received help from senior Harry Albritton, who comes in during his free third period.

     “I decided to help because I heard about what was going on and wanted to help out a teacher I know, and I want to be an English teacher,” Albritton said. “I thought this would be a good opportunity to experience that.”

     Boccia said that her routine has not changed much, but that does not mean she won’t be met with challenges.

     “My expectations were that I would be very tired, which I am, all the time, that I would be at least mildly frustrated, which I kind of am,” Boccia said. 

     A challenge that Boccia has to deal with is students being much harder to monitor in an environment where they are surrounded by more peers than usual. This could have caused issues for her, but she doesn’t actually think it has.

     “I don’t think that their behavior has changed or altered in any way with the larger room,” Boccia said. “I think they just spread out.”

     Despite the large class presenting a challenge, Boccia hopes to finda routine that is better for her and her students.

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