Rose basketball highlights
Perry takes pride in supporting peers
MON. | 10-31-22 | FEATURES
Have you ever noticed how a simple smile can multiply and branch out of the work of one person? When you see an individual surround themselves in positivity, you can start to idolize and become inspired by their kindness, continuing to spread it throughout your day to day life. By doing this you not only affect those around you, but you create a positive and genuine atmosphere for yourself. All you need is one person to keep the empathetic attitude thriving, and that one person is how you would describe Rose junior, Olivia Perry.

Photo by Lorian McGillicuddy
Health science and nursing fundamentals teacher Alice Hyatt, points out that Perry is one of the most generous and hardworking students in her classroom.
“She is generous, caring, giving, and a hard worker,” Hyatt said. “You can tell she has good morals and ethics just by the way she treats other people.”
Perry has shown others how to be a dedicated student and always aims to include other individuals. She is known to be a shining, smiling face whenever one needs it.
“Her nature is something a lot of people can learn from,” Hyatt said.
While being a positive, shining light for others, she knows what others go through and how they feel when someone isn’t always as bright and enthusiastic as she is.
“I know how it feels to not be included in stuff, so when I see someone else who seems out of place or uncomfortable, I try to make them feel a little better about where they are,” Perry said.
With all of the chaos that envelopes the world today, kindness is not very well known, or even very sought out. Teaching and growing the spread of kindness could make a difference in the way many treat others daily. Hyatt has noticed these problems and strives to solve them by bringing back the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in Rose High school and other national schools.
“It’s a way of positively reinforcing good behavior,” Hyatt said.
PBIS is a program where teachers and individuals in the classroom will nominate another student for being a role model of positivity. The nominees will be able to have a free period to enjoy a specially made breakfast.
Apart from the beneficial work she does in school, she works with young children outside of school at the Aquaventure Aquatics Campus. She works the after school and summer programs, and teaches group and private swim lessons. With this, Perry has assured that her love for treating everybody the way they want to be treated, is influenced and shaped by the kids she is around.
“It’s really just putting yourself in someone else’s shoes,” Perry said.
As well as helping children outside of school, Perry also participates in Link Crew, where upperclassmen welcome new freshman students to Rose, the classes and give them a familiar face. Rose freshman Devin McAlduff, was in a group with Perry and describes her as a very welcoming individual.
“She’s very outgoing and encouraged us to speak out and get to know people,” McAlduff said. “She was a good leader.”
Perry believes that kindness doesn’t have to be big, extravagant gestures to show your intentions, and little steps can go a long way.
“[Kindness is] taking the time out of your day to make someone else’s a little brighter,” Perry said.