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FRI. | 03-04-22 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Harry Albritton provides some personal tips for class registration and gives his recommendations on which classes to prioritize and consider.


MON. | 02-28-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Safi Waqas discusses the poor recognition of Black History Month and addresses this issue that is present in their school. 


THURS. | 02-24-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Abby Ershadi discusses the issues that have arisen with author J. K. Rowling and how this has affected Harry Potter fans like herself. 

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WED. | 02-23-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Jack Albritton discusses the guidelines Winter Olympians had to follow in Beijing. He gives his opinion on how effective and necessary the guidelines were.

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TUES. | 02-22-22 | OPINION

Opinion Editor Liv Carpenter discusses the recent surge in anti-transgender laws throughout the U.S. and the negative impacts they have on transgender youth and athletes.


MON. | 02-21-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Majkalah Harris discusses her opinion on the book "White Like Her", which is based on a main character whose mother pretended to be white in the 1940s to avoid discrimination.


MON. | 02-21-22 | OPINION

Features Staff Writer Ginny Blount discusses her opinion on the possibility of the SAT becoming virtual and shorter. This will allow for the test to be more efficient.


Rants & Raves

The football team is killing it

Follow William's dog on Instagram

Is The Shining a Christmas movie?

Wear your red scarves

Christmas break is longer, but not long enough

What's with all the JHR Instagram accounts

Some clubs are doing too much

Why is next semester so long

Thank goodness the toilet paper got restocked

Water in bathroom is too cold

Why are the stalls in some of the bathrooms literally 4 feet tall 

Speed bumps behind school are awful

Why do our sports always make it far but never win

Rampant Rants and Raves are contributed by students and do not reflect the opinions of the Rampant Lines staff. Submit rants on Twitter or Instagram @rampantlines or e-mail them to

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SAT. | 02-19-22 | OPINION

Opinion/Entertainment Staff Writer Safi Waqas discusses the waste produced by school lunches and ways that it could potentially be mitigated.


TUES. | 02-15-22 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Cecelia Batton provides her personal experiences while battling COVID-19. 

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MON. | 02-14-22 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Harry Albritton expresses his opinion on the new controversial Board of Education topic: banning "inappropriate" books. During the time given to the public at Board meetings, many protestors have come forth wishing to remove certain books from the curriculum. 


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