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Rose basketball highlights
OPINION PAGE 3 (2021-2022 1st Semester)
Rants & Raves
The football team is killing it
Follow William's dog on Instagram
Is The Shining a Christmas movie?
Wear your red scarves
Christmas break is longer, but not long enough
What's with all the JHR Instagram accounts
Some clubs are doing too much
Why is next semester so long
Thank goodness the toilet paper got restocked
Water in bathroom is too cold
Why are the stalls in some of the bathrooms literally 4 feet tall
Speed bumps behind school are awful
Why do our sports always make it far but never win
Rampant Rants and Raves are contributed by students and do not reflect the opinions of the Rampant Lines staff. Submit rants on Twitter or Instagram @rampantlines or e-mail them to
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