Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
New assistant principal Michael Casey arrives at Rose
WED. | 9-30-20 | FEATURES
Along with all of the other changes that have come with the start of the 2020 fall semester, Michael Casey has recently been appointed as a new assistant principal of Rose. Casey previously worked in the New York school system in Syracuse, and he also had a job as a high school teacher in Edgecombe County school system before transferring to Rose.
Casey has always had a passion for being involved in the school system and working with students and staff. He was inspired by his teachers and others to pursue a job as an administrator.
“I always wanted to help people,” Casey said. "In high school and college I had some pretty influential teachers and that sort of helped lead me to have a career in education.”
Casey developed an interest in pursuing a career

Image by Virginia Blount
in education because of how much he looked up to his teachers when he was in school. Both students and faculty have played a huge role in working in a school system for Casey.
“Working in a school system with students, staff, and parents is a very fulfilling career, so I highly recommend it,” Casey said.
Casey has been tasked with different obstacles in his role as an assistant principal due to COVID-19. Having to social distance and hold virtual meetings, rather than having consistent face-to-face school as normal, has caused building relationships with students and staff to look different for Casey this year, but he believes that he will still be able to build strong relationships.
“I wouldn’t say it's necessarily been difficult, I would just say it has been different,” Casey said. “Those I do connect with virtually or in school, I really do still try to make that one on one impact or connection.”
Casey feels students are doing their best and embracing the opportunities and the challenges they have while learning virtually, even while wearing masks students have enjoyed being allowed to have the option to attend face-to-face learning. Rose’s students are modeling the best of their abilities to have a successful school year even with multiple obstacles. However, even with these challenges, Casey is confident in the Rose staff's ability to provide the needed support for the students.
“I think the main contact point each student has is their teacher, and we have a great team of teachers here at Rose,” Casey said.
Along with working his hardest to maintain a positive school environment and connecting with the students and teachers, Casey is involved with different hobbies. Casey plays the saxophone, enjoys going fishing and holds an interest in Mock Trial and is considering getting involved in some of the clubs here at Rose.
“I have a particular interest in Mock Trial, when I was in high school I was on a Mock Trial team,” Casey said. “I hope to be able to pop in and support those clubs.”
Although COVID-19 has unleashed multiple obstacles, as assistant principal, Casey is trying his hardest to do what is best for the Rose community. With having to balance keeping students motivated, maintaining a positive school atmosphere and connecting with the staff and students, Casey overall has enjoyed his time at Rose and plans to better the Rose community.