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NEWS (2020-2021)

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SUN. | 10-11-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher discusses the various triumphs and challenges which have arose regarding accessibility of the Canvas application with the close of the first six weeks, specifically with interviews from instructional coach Michael Flinchbaugh and math teacher Natasha Smith.

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SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere describes the various impacts the COVID-19 lockdown had on small businesses in Pitt County. 

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SUN. | 10-04-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Emma Hastings reports on how many clubs, such as SGA, FBLA and Mu Alpha Theta, have shifted to largely virtual avenues of participation. She also discusses the many challenges these extracurriculars have faced amid a pandemic.


FRI. | 10-02-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Emma Hastings presents the latest COVID news in the second installment of her and News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere's new podcast series.

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THURS. | 10-1-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon reports on the many challenges teachers who have chosen to teach all-online for health reasons have endured.


THURS. | 9-24-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher details the new endeavor of National Art Honors Society (NAHS), an artistic digital magazine. In order to maintain member participation and remain active amid a pandemic, this virtual creation is meant to showcase both current and former student art, as well as insight from staff members.


TUES. | 9-22-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere presents the latest COVID news in the first installment of her and New Co-Editor Emma Hastings' new news podcast series.

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TUES. | 9-15-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher discusses the new challenges the hybrid semester has brought on Rose's EC department, including staff, parents and students. 

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SUN. | 9-13-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere reports on the new changes the Phase 2.5 plan of the governor's “Safer in Home Order” has brought on local businesses in Greenville.

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FRI. | 9-11-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Emma Hastings outlines the basic steps for implementing school plans during the coronavirus and the eventual Board decision to move Mondays virtual.

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