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NEWS (2020-2021)


SUN. | 12-20-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher covers Project Elf in its third consecutive year, engaging a total of eight Rose clubs: National Honor Society (NHS), Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Future Health Professionals (HOSA), National Spanish Honor Society (NSHS), Rho Kappa, National English Honor Society (NEHS), Spanish Club and Link Crew.


SUN. | 12-13-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon highlights science teacher Clinton Todd who was newly selected as Teacher of the Year by the Rose faculty to compete for the overall Pitt County Teacher of the Year.


FRI. | 12-11-20 | NEWS

Staff writer Tonji McCloud-Lipscomb reports on the new exam schedule this year which will begin next week on Dec. 16. 



SUN. | 11-22-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Emma Hastings presents the latest COVID news in the third installment of her and News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere's new podcast series.

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FRI. | 11-20-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon reports on how student's grades have been affected by COVID-19 and their plans for the spring semester. 



THURS. | 11-19-20 | NEWS

Staff writer Tonji McCloud-Lipscomb describes various recent activities of the club chapter of Future Business leaders of America (FBLA) headed by advisor Kurt Garner, including various adjustments and advancements amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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TUES. | 11-17-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher creates a video to announce the new members and officers of National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Rho Kappa, National Spanish Honor Society, Quill and Scroll and National Science Honor Society.


MON. | 11-16-20 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher describes the various changes that have occurred within the college admission process, providing interviews with both school counselors and Rose seniors. 

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FRI. | 11-13-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere interviews theatre arts instructor and theatrical company director Jacquline Golebiowski to find out what adaptations have had to be made to adapt the drama department to the virus precautions, as well as various challenges the group has encountered.

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FRI. | 11-13-20 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere explains the results of the 2020 presidential election and the barriers it broke.


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