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NEWS (2020-2021)

MON. | 05-17-21 | NEWS

News staff writer Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson reports on summer school being offered for students who struggled with learning during the pandemic.

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FRI. | 05-14-21 | NEWS

News staff writer Emily Mitchum covers the details of the Rose Advisory Council.

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WED. | 05-12-21 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon reports on the specifics of the recent discontinuation of CPR as a high school graduation requirement. 

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SAT. | 05-08-21 | NEWS

News Editor Ashley Van Havere covers the anticipated opening of Greenville’s newest park: Wildwood Park, located at 3450 Blue Heron Drive near the Tar River. 


THURS. | 05-06-21 | NEWS

News Editor Emmie Brooks describes the adjustments that the Young Life club at Rose have taken amid the pandemic. 

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WED. | 05-05-21 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon reports on the upcoming Cabaret being held at Rose and its significance as the first theater performance since the pandemic began.

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TUES. | 05-04-21 | NEWS

News staff writer Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson details Link Crew’s newest initiative in advisory with the implementation of a Code Breaker competition. 


THURS. | 04-29-21 | NEWS

Staff writer Edie Yount discusses Nark's Outreach Program and the service projects it takes on to help community members in need. 


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WED. | 04-28-21 | NEWS

Staff writer Emily Mitchum reports on many Rose clubs like FBLA, SGA and NHS that have transitioned to virtual runs as a fundraising option amid the pandemic. 


SUN. | 04-25-21 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher reports on the National History Day competition this year and on the Rose students who will be moving on to the state competition. 

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