Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
New clubs find a new home at Rose
WED. | 10-26-22 | NEWS
The new school year has brought many new clubs to Rose, such as Girls for Christ and Earth Club.
Girls for Christ is a club where girls at Rose can share their faith together. The Earth Club hosts different projects to clean around the school and community.
The Earth Club is run by senior Hannah Sprague and meets on Mondays during refresh A block.
“It was a club last year but there were really few people in it,” Sprague said.
There really wasn't a strong membership starting off with the earth club. Sprague described how the club was at first and how it's recruiting now.
“Most people in the club were seniors and everyone kind of left,” Sprague said. “Me and the rest of the people really didn't know what to do so it kinda fell on my shoulders to make this club because I was the oldest one in this club so I had to bring it back.”
Sprague feels that now that she has a team to help and support her, they can accomplish anything together.

Photo by Maya Swaggerty
Sprague especially wants to bring recycling back to Rose to benefit the students.
“The biggest issue is recycling, I feel like we need to recycle at Rose because we used to recycle at my elementary school and there are some other Pitt County Schools that are recycling, but Rose doesn't,” Sprague said. “but I wanted to bring that back and I felt if I had a team to support we can value that we need a recycling program at Rose.”
The Earth club is working on several projects making Rose a more beautiful place, such as getting a monarch butterfly garden in the commons.
Sprague enjoys devoting her time to Earth club and is passionate about what she does within it.
“It kind of makes me feel good to help other people,” Sprague said.
The earth club is still open to new members.
Girls for Christ is run by Rose senior Sarah Grace Aldridge. The club started Sept. 22, 2022.
Girls for Christ meets every Thursday during refresh C block to discuss the message of the week and ask discussion questions based on the message. They also have guest speakers.
“We will do a large group, so somebody will give a message for the week, and then we will do small groups and all the leaders will break into their small groups with the girls in the club and we ask discussion questions based on the message,” Aldridge said.
Aldridge wanted a club for girls to share their faith with each other.
“I think my faith inspired me to start Girls for Christ and also just the need for a Christan club at Rose,” Aldridge said.
Aldridge is a person of her faith and it was important to her to establish the Girls for Christ at Rose.
“My faith is the most important thing to me in my life and it just means so much to me that I'm able to have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with my friends and the girls in my club,” Aldridge said.
Aldridge values her time in Girls for Christ.
“What I enjoy most about the club is that it is a community of girls coming together during the school day to grow in our faith together and also just to take a break from the demands of school and have fun,” Aldridge said.