Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Morris runs for vice president
WED. | 1-25-23 | NEWS
North Carolina Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) hosts a state conference each year, in which students can run for state officer positions. This year, Rose junior Katie Morris is running for the office of Eastern Region Vice President (VP).
“The Eastern Region VP is an FBLA member from that region that represents this area on the state board,” Rose FBLA Advisor and FBLA Eastern Region Board member Kurt Garner said. “Any time we have any new initiatives, they are responsible for either bringing them to the table or voting on different things that we have at the state level that will go out to every single member in the state.”
Because Garner is a member of the North Carolina executive board, he asked if any of the Rose officers would be interested in running. When asked, many officers nominated Morris for the position.
“I was a bit surprised; I hadn’t really thought about running for Eastern Region VP previously,

Photo by Elliott Flinchbaugh
but I started thinking about it a little bit more and started thinking ‘the way you get the position is by campaigning and a lot of the duties are stuff I’ve experienced in Rose FBLA,’ so I decided it would be really fun and I think I would be well-suited for it,” Morris said.
In the election process, Morris has already completed her first screening and application. She will have her second screening at the state competition in March.
“We started with filling out an application, it was about 30 pages worth of information and ten pages were study guides I had to fill out with information,” Morris said. “Then, we did a screening, which is just an interview where I met with a previous North Carolina state president and advisor, and they just asked me questions about why I think I would be good for the position, some of my plans and background.”
During these screenings, the interviewers typically ask candidates about their plans for initiatives relating to their duties as Eastern Region VP.
“One of the biggest duties [for the Eastern Region VP] is hosting regionals and organizing that,” Garner said. “Throughout the year, they are responsible for keeping track of social media with North Carolina FBLA and posting things to keep all members in the state aware of things going on, help facilitate the state conference in the year that they are elected, and they also participate in various things from the national office.”
Garner believes that Morris is the perfect candidate to represent her constituents in the Eastern Region.
“She’s definitely a go-getter, when she says she’s going to do something, she does it and follows through,” Garner said. “She’s very detail oriented and works well with others, so I think all of those taken into one person definitely helps with being able to fill that role and do it well.”
Similarly, Morris believes that she is a qualified candidate to represent the Eastern Region within North Carolina FBLA, as she plans to bring forth several ideas and initiatives.
“I’ve started to develop my leadership skills, especially this year and last year,” Morris said. “I’m very well-organized, and I also plan to bring tangible ideas and plans to the floor to enact change in the Eastern region.”