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Mills brings new light to media center

MON. | 11-14-22 | FEATURES

     Media coordinator Olivia Mills has only been a part of the Rose staff for two and a half months, but she has already connected with the students and staff through her creative ideas and projects.

     Mills plans on adding to the library and incorporating fun new programs such as the reading competition and the book giveaway. 

     Before coming to Rose, Mills worked at both South Creek and South Central as a social studies teacher. To become a media coordinator, you are required to have a teaching license and a


Photo by Ben Cathey

master's degree. Mills is currently getting her master's degree in library science at East Carolina University and then her teaching license.

In Mills' two months at Rose, she has already incorporated many new programs, such as a reading contest, which has a different theme every month, this month the theme is horror books, she is also giving away old and outdated books.

     Out of the other schools Mills has worked at, Mills describes Rose as her favorite and the Rose community has welcomed Mills with open arms.

     “Rose has a much more united community, more than other places and I don't just mean in the school building, you have so much community outside of the school building and it makes it really really unique,” Mills said.

     Rose is very different from Mills' other schools. Rose is much bigger and a lot more diverse and Mills can appreciate that because she is getting more student contact than she didn't have before.

      "I get to interact with all students and not just necessarily the ones I teach,” Mills said. 

     One way she has been promoting her projects is through her Instagram, @jhrosereadingrampants which she posts on weekly and sometimes even daily. She created this Instagram account so that she could reach students in a way that is familiar and easier for them.

     “I'm trying to get on y'all's level¨

     "I don't always make it but I try,¨ Mills said.

     Mills also supervises the library assistants who are all current students at Rose. One of the students, junior Crissy Wilson, loves being a library assistant and Wilson is grateful Mills is her teacher. 

     The library assistants helps Mills with all of her ongoing projects and assist her by delivering batteries and computers to the teachers and other staff. They also check and shelve books and help with anything the media coordinators need help with.

     Another one of her media assistants, senior Abbie Pudlo, describes Mills as really sweet and is very helpful and understanding.

     “She has helped me a lot with my college application stuff,” Pudlo said.

     Pudlo also loves the job because she gets to see how the media center is run and all the moving pieces, things she never would have seen or learned had she not become a media assistant.

     “It's been really interesting to see all the stuff that I kind of took for granted,” Pudlo said.

     The library is changing every day, whether that be by moving the furniture, rearranging the books or thinking of new projects, Mills is always doing something creative and fun.

      “I want the library to be somewhere that y'all come in and work and have fun,” Mills said.

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