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The Mandalorian succeeds again
After almost a year of waiting, The Mandalorian has finally made its return to Disney+ with the airing of season two.
The ending of the first season was enough to make someone like me cry. From the loss of friends to a glorious end, it was perfect, and it left a lot of room for what is yet to come.
The Mandalorian, which is part of the Star Wars franchise, is a show about a man who was adopted into a group known as the Mandalorians. That man, known only as the Mandalorian (Mando), is an anit-authoritarian bounty hunter. In season one, his first bounty recognized in the show was a character that has developed a huge fan following. That character is known as the Child, and we later come to find in season two that his name is Grogu. Fans, however, still refer to him as Baby Yoda. Due to the fact Mando had such a connection to Grogu, he took Grogu back from the bail bondsman ー someone who receives bounties from a bounty hunter ー and he now has a warrant out for his arrest.
So far in the second season, we have experienced a lot. In episode one, we learn that Mando is on the lookout for other Mandalorians, so he can get information to help bring Grogu back to others of his kind. This gives us the premise of what the rest of the season is going to be about. In each episode, we are introduced to new characters, and each helps us to learn more about the universe they live in. Mando learns a lot too, especially
about himself.
By episode three, we learn that Mando is part of a specific group of Mandalorians that is very strict with their beliefs. He runs into

other Mandalorians who take off their masks and reveal their faces. In traditional Mandalorian belief, one is not supposed to show their face to any other living creature. When the other Mandalorians explained their belief, Mando disagreed and flew away out of disappointment.
This was a huge plot twist. It almost seems like Mando’s beliefs are similar to an Orthodox religion — a branch of religion where followers learn the traditional teachings. In the beginning of the whole show, we learn that Mando’s home planet was invaded, and he lost everything, even his family. He was soon rescued by the Mandalorians, and he is raised to be just like them. I can see how it can be easy for him to fall into a stricter branch of the Mandalorian culture without realizing it. Nonetheless, even with all the personal things going on in his life, he still finds time to help others around him.
Even as someone who is evading the law, he helps a lot of different characters throughout the show. Each character that he has helped has kept their mouth shut to the authorities in return for his work. In each episode, there is a new creature who needs help, and I think this is perfect for the show because it helps develop a series of continuous climaxes.
The season is also great because we can continue to see Grogu more. Mando even goes on to have a slogan of, “wherever he goes, I go.” Throughout the show, Grogu goes through the typical phases of a toddler, except you’re giving the toddler the Force which makes for an interesting concept. Nonetheless, the addition of Grogu and all the climaxes throughout the show make this a must-watch.
Even if someone isn't a fan of Star Wars, I would still recommend The Mandalorian. I was never a fan of the franchise, but this show is great plot-wise, acting-wise and character-wise. Not only that, but seeing Grogu a lot more is sure to be a crowd pleaser.