Rose basketball highlights
Lost in life
WED.| 1-4-23 | OPINION
It’s okay to be lost in life. It’s okay to be 17 and confused about what you are interested in. It’s okay to not know what career you want to pursue. It’s okay to not know your major for college. It’s okay if you have many overwhelming interests. It’s okay if you have absolutely no idea what you are interested in. It’s okay not to have your life plan figured out. But it’s also okay if you do.
I have a great variety of interests. I play club and school volleyball, enjoy journalism, participate with Future Business Leaders of America and Student Government Association as well as biomedical technology classes. I'm also interested in biology and human anatomy, I appreciate United States history and have also taken law classes. I am interested in many different subjects and topics to the extent that I don’t even want to discuss college because it overwhelms me. But it shouldn’t be overwhelming,

Graphic by Anthien Nguyen
wanting to pursue a career should be fun and exciting. Students should be encouraged by peers and teachers to go after the career they are passionate about. Those passions may even change and turn into something different, and that’s okay.
There are certain interests I have had in the past, which have now changed as time goes on. My interests have changed throughout the years and will probably continue to change even when I am in college. So why should I be stressed right now to have everything figured out? Now of course, I'll probably end up worrying if I’ll get a scholarship for volleyball or if my grades are good enough to get into a good college. But I don’t have it all figured out. I shouldn’t. And that’s okay. The thought of going to college as well as life after high school shouldn’t be a stressor to figure out. Everyone tends to put so much pressure on themselves in their junior and senior years to have all the answers for their life, but opportunities, interest and people change.
However, this is not an excuse for a high schooler to slack off and not apply themselves to everything in which they may not enjoy. Every student should challenge themselves and expand on different subjects they may not have been involved in. By doing this when they apply for a college, they might have an idea of what they want to major in. Even when applying for college, selecting a major may be stressful, however, many schools do not require students to finalize a major on their application. There is an option to select “undecided” or “undeclared” for the major. It’s okay to be undecided. It’s also okay to have your entire life planned out. But it’s also okay if you don't.