Rose basketball highlights
Johnson bids farewell to Rose
MON.| 05-24-21 | FEATURES
Students of Rose might know him as the tall and welcoming man that stands in the science hall between classes. Faculty of Rose might know him as the teacher that takes a walk around the school just about every morning to start the day off right by meeting staff he might not know, if they are around and just say “hey.” Scott Johnson has been a member of Rose’s 100 hall for four years, and of the public school teaching community for almost three decades. Johnson is leaving Rose and will be starting a new chapter in his life as a private school teacher.
Johnson has been offered a one year contract at John Paul II Catholic High School (JPII), where he will continue to teach science and build relationships with his students, but in a smaller environment.
“After I graduated from East Carolina, I taught at Hickory High School, and I was there for 10 years, and then I moved

Photo taken by Layne Mills
back here,” Johnson said. “I taught at South Central for 12 years, and I was one of the first teachers hired there, then I taught at a couple of small schools, Rosewood and Greene Central, and then I came here.”
Johnson’s passion for teaching began when he realized that he could combine his love for working with young students and enthusiasm for science. His love for science has been a constant throughout his life, however, his passion for teaching began in college, after working as a camp counselor.
“My favorite thing in general [about teaching] is making relationships with my students and really getting to know them, which has been really hard to do for the last year and a half because of COVID,” Johnson said. “I love doing everything in my classes ‘hands on’ so I can joke around with the kids and I even try to be involved in their athletics and clubs.”
As a teacher of 29 years, Johnson enjoys supporting his students beyond the classroom. He makes a great effort to try to go the extra mile, by attending sporting events or any other extra curricular activities that his students are involved in. Johnson also tries his hardest to stay in touch with former students because he values the satisfaction of seeing where his students succeed after graduating, or even just leaving his class.
“It is really great to see students grasp concepts, learn, grow and even develop as young adults and even to then maintain relationships as they go to college,” Johnson said. “I am in touch with a lot of my former students and it is really great to see how they have become successful.”
Johnson has made many friends while teaching at Rose and is certain that those people will remain his friends even after he moves schools. While Johnson's “bittersweet” departure from Rose will cause him to miss the students, faculty and community that Rose has, Johnson looks forward to his new adventure to a smaller school. As Johnson moves on to JPII, he had a few words of parting advice.
“I would tell that teacher that they need to embrace this wonderful school by getting involved in what the science department is doing like Science Olympiad or Science Honor Society and just try to help out with the clubs and just be engaged with the school in any way that they can,” Johnson said. “He or she also needs to take advantage of the fact that a lot of the students at this school are really smart and you can push them to go above and beyond basic curriculum.”
When he first came to Rose four years ago, Johnson struck a friendship with Kendall Beasley, who was also a new teacher in the science department. She says a few words about her good friend and classroom neighbor, Scott Johnson honoring his departure to his new school.
“I would not have survived my first year of teaching had it not been for the guidance and support given by Mr. Scott Johnson,” Beasley said.