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Issue 1

September 27th, 2019

International trips return

WED. | 03-30-22 | NEWS

     After being grounded due to COVID for two years, Rose students and staff are packing their bags with plans to fly to Europe this summer and next.

     Last year in early spring, English teacher Karen Medlin began planning a trip to Greece for the summer of 2022. In the beginning, she only had it open to upperclassmen but has 

Travel Graphic.png

Graphic by Sara Scarborough

allowed for several sophomores to register late. They leave for Greece on Thursday, June 23 and come back Saturday, July 2, making it a 10-day trip. Medlin is also planning a 12-day trip for the summer of 2023 to London, Paris, Florence and Rome. This trip will also take place in June, and registration has just opened up with plenty of spots available for any current 10th or 11th grade students. 

     “[Traveling] in high school [gives] you a taste of what things are like in other countries,” said English teacher Ashley Hutchinson, who has been leading student trips since 2006. 

     Hutchinson decided to wait one more year to let COVID travel precautions settle down, and she is taking an exclusively senior trip in late June  2023. Hutchinson is taking the class of 2023 to Italy and Switzerland for 10 days. Sign-ups for this trip will close at the beginning of April. This trip includes excursions to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a Swiss folk evening and gondola rides in Venice.  

     Like Medlin, Spanish teacher Luisa Haynes is taking trips both this year and next year. 

     “[You] just realize how big the world is,” Haynes said. 

     This June, Haynes is leading a group to Switzerland, Italy, France and Spain. Chemistry teacher Jerri Lynn Cox is joining her as an additional chaperone. Haynes has her trip open to juniors and seniors but wants to keep a small group of about 25-30 students. This trip is 13 days traveling throughout these countries. Haynes is also chaperoning a trip to Greece, Italy and Spain in June of 2023 led by Cox. 

     “Traveling gives you more of a worldview of different cultures [and] different society situations,” Haynes said. 

     When Cox leads her first group to Europe, she hopes to expand her students' perspectives on cultures other than the ones they have experienced in the United States. Cox has traveled to many countries with her family and friends and hopes to join her students in many new adventures. 

     All Rose staff are partnering with the company Educational Tours (EF), who arrange flights, hotels, tour guides and excursions for the leaders. EF stays informed about other countries to make sure groups are traveling at the best time and can have the best possible experience. Having maintained COVID precautions, they make many accommodations to help everyone feel safer while traveling. EF is not only a company for high school travelers; you can join groups and travel on your own. 

     Students who are interested in any of these trips should contact the teachers via email or during Refresh to get cost, itineraries and enrollment information.

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