Rose basketball highlights
Guy Smith renamed to be the "RV" Field
MON.| 08-01-22 | SPORTS
For 48 years, legendary coach Ronald Vincent has been impacting Rose athletics. Although best known as a baseball coach, Vincent coached football, basketball and wrestling for some time. Due to his coaching success, the Guy Smith baseball field will be renamed the Ronald Vincent Field, or the “RV” Field.
Vincent has been familiar with the game of baseball for much of his life and started coaching at a young age. Before becoming the coach at Rose,

Photo by Emmy Ingalls
Vincent had some high school baseball experience being the coach at Farmville Central.
“I started coaching in Greenville Little League while in college at ECU,” Vincent said.
Over the years, the Rose baseball program has had major success, and Coach Vincent has been a key factor.
“We have built a very strong program,” Vincent said.” Much of it [is] because of stability and our youth programs.”
The Rose baseball program affects many players beyond their four seasons in high school.
“I think our biggest contribution has been with our students and their development during school and after graduation,” Vincent said.
In addition to greatly benefiting his players and extending their baseball knowledge, experience and skills, Coach Vincent has experienced great times himself.
“There are thousands of great memories in the time at Rose,” Vincent said. “Winning state championships in so many sports has been awesome.”
All of this baseball and overall success paid off for Coach Vincent with the name changing of Guy Smith to “RV” Field.
“I was really surprised to find out about this honor,” Vincent said. “It has been a great privilege to do the things I have been able to do.”
Getting to this point in life was not done alone, as Vincent had a village of support and love surrounding him.
“My biggest influences have been my parents and some great coaches and teachers I have been lucky enough to have,” Vincent said.
Senior Will Jenkins believes that Coach RV has affected his own game over the four years of playing for him.
“Coach Vincent has made me into the player I am today through repetition,” Jenkins said. “Throughout high school baseball I was actually able to see progress because I could tell I had gotten better at certain drills as I did them so many times over a 4 year period.”
Jenkins feels that Vincent’s way of coaching is beneficial as he uses a mixture of techniques and skills.
“He has a balance of teaching that makes you rely on self learning and accountability, as well as teaching you new things throughout practice through different situational drills,” Jenkins said.
From a player’s standpoint, Jenkins strongly believes that Vincent was deserving of this field-naming due to his successful career, commitment and multiple wins.
“Personally, Coach deserves this recognition due to the commitment he has made to the baseball community for so long,” Jenkins said. “Everyone knows who Ronald Vincent is, and they all know him for so many great reasons.”
Looking back on his years playing for Vincent, Jenkins values this experience he was given and is especially thankful for this year’s team.
“I truly looked forward to practice and enjoyed what we did almost everyday,” Jenkins said. “That was also in part to the great team we had this year, which really completed such an awesome season.”