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“Ginny and Georgia” reaches top ten list on Netflix 


         As many of you may know, Netflix recently released the first season of a new television series on Wednesday, Feb. 24 called Ginny & Georgia. Within its first 24 hours of streaming, it had already reached the top ten list on Netflix and after only three days, it had reached the number one spot. The show follows a family of three moving to a small town in Massachusetts named Wellsbury. Georgia Miller, a 30 year old mother of two, her 15 year old daughter, Ginny and her nine year old son, Austin. The family is moving to get a fresh start after Georgia’s ex-husband had a mysterious heart attack. 

         Even at the beginning of the show, Georgia’s actions and motives seemed very suspicious to me. For example, she never really seemed that upset about the passing of her late ex-husband. There was also a series of flashbacks into Georgia’s past as a teenager which showed the audience a glimpse into what it was like for her to have a child so young. She had to deal with leaving home as a 15 year old, getting pregnant and jumping around the country trying to make a good home for Ginny, and later on Austin. Georgia also has her own agenda in Wellsbury, which is to find a way to support her family, legal or not. She gets a job in mayor Paul Randolph’s office and embezzled thousands of dollars from the mayor’s re-election campaign fund. This is especially ironic because Georgia also begins a romantic relationship with mayor Randolph. This creates more problems with Georgia considering 


Graphic by Murphy Fisher

how shady her history is. 

        A big portion of the show is about Ginny’s experience of moving to a new town and having to find new friends. When she moves to Wellsbury, on the first day of school she is befriended by Maxine (or Max). Max welcomes Ginny into her friend group and basically helps her find her way around school. She was always so nice to Ginny, but I felt Max was also kind of annoying and made everything about her. Within this new friend group Ginny meets Hunter, who becomes her love interest for multiple episodes. Max also introduces Ginny to her brother Marcus. He also has feelings for Ginny which results in a whole will-they-won’t-they relationship. Personally, Marcus was my favorite character because he was very unproblematic and he really did want the best for Ginny. However, Hunter was my least favorite character of the entire show. He was so cringey in every single way. He sent videos in a filter to Ginny, wrote a song about her (that really wasn’t that good) and did a whole tap performance for her birthday. If I could erase every memory I had of Hunter out of my brain, I would. 

         Along with the main characters, Ginny and Georgia, there is also a selection of side characters that make the show worth watching. For example, there is Joe, who owns the cafe that is basically the town’s favorite lunch spot. Joe also has a history with Georgia which ironically, neither of them remember. They met when they were both teenagers and had a strong connection, but since so much time had passed, they didn’t remember each other. Joe was such such a good character because he always helped everyone out, for example, by getting Ginny a job. 

       Overall, Ginny & Georgia was a great binge show to enjoy during the spring. It had everything from drama and murder to high school and secrets. I want there to be a season two. In season two, I really hope that Ginny and Marcus start dating and Hunter just leaves the show. I would also want Georgia to marry the mayor. If you like soapy teen dramas, watch this show.

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