Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
FBLA remains active even amid COVID obstacles
THURS. | 11-19-20 | NEWS
Clubs can play a major part in a students high school experience. Regardless of the pandemic, some clubs, such as Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) have decided to continue to remain active for this school year.
FBLA teaches students skills that are crucial for any business or profession that students may be considering, FBLA teaches members skills such as networking, public speaking, how to interview, dining etiquette, how to dress professionally and more. There are different leadership positions available such as president, secretary, historian, Vice President
SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS

of social events, treasurer and reporter.
There are currently 170 students in the Rose FBLA Chapter and the club is growing. FBLA welcomes all students to join, and there are no requirements needed to join except for the mandatory credits that are to be earned throughout the year.
Along with the skills the club encourages, students are also allowed opportunities through competitions and service activities for the club.
“The regional competition is coming up; we have over 60 students competing in various events,” Rose FBLA advisor Kurt Garner said. “Some are test events, while others require a presentation, speech or interview.”
Although FBLA is trying to continue per usual, some changes have had to occur in adjusting to the pandemic. The regional event will be held virtually this year. FBLA is having face to face meetings on campus while also providing students the option to attend the meeting virtually.
“We are still having social and service activities too,” Garner said. “FBLA is still providing the same quality of club experiences you would have in a non-COVID year.”
FBLA insures that the social and service activities, such as Ronald McDonald House will continue to take place.
“We recently collected items for the Ronald McDonald House and will be helping with Project Elf again this year,” Garner said.
FBLA still anticipates that they will be able to participate in a face-to-face state competition in Greensboro. As well as the national competition in Anaheim, California
“FBLA is a premier organization,” Garner said. “You can gain valuable leadership skills that will aid you in any endeavor for the rest of your life.”
If any students are looking for an activity that could potentially build their resume FBLA could be a club for those students to consider. Not only for their resume but also for the opportunity to do something in their community and gain skills that they could possibly carry with them for the rest of their life.
Photo taken from FBLA Instagram