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Editor gives tips for AP success

SAT.| 5-20-23 | OPINION

     Advanced Placement (AP) exams are the talk of the town when spring rolls around. Many students find themselves in a stressful position when preparing for these exams, given that there is so much information to cover while studying for them.

     AP exams are taking place on a national schedule at the beginning of May. These exams are made for students who took AP classes in the fall and spring semesters and puts their knowledge to the test of what they have learned. Given that AP classes have such rigorous material covered in the span of a semester, or in some cases an entire year, it is no joke when it comes down to exam day.

     With portions of most AP exams being multiple choice and writing, this requires a wide variety of studying that needs to take place. It can seem overwhelming and draining at first, but with the right time management, practice and the use of resources, it doesn't have to be.

ap exam.png

Graphic by Edie Yount

     Time management is key when preparing for any big assessment. There is a lot of material to cover in a crunched time period. If you took an AP class in the fall, there is a major gap between January and May. During this gap, it is good to keep the material fresh in your brain. To stay up-to-date, make sure that you are going to review sessions with teachers while also visiting AP Classroom for helpful videos and tips. This is one of the most efficient ways to manage studying for AP exams because there’s absolutely no way you can review all the material only a few nights before your exam.

     In addition to managing time for studying, AP exams are solely based on time. When writing essays, free responses and filling out multiple choice questions, you are timed for each task in order to test your knowledge of the subject. One great tip for finishing with enough time during AP exams is to set a timer and go over practice questions of released exams, whether that be multiple choice or free-response questions. This tip saved me during my AP United States History exam. I was able to finish on time with complete responses to my essays and multiple choice questions. 

     As I said, there are many resources available to prepare for AP exams here at Rose and online. Even if you are confident about the material you may have learned from last semester's AP class, I definitely recommend going back to your teacher's refresh sessions to review the material. This is a great time to ask questions and jog your memory. AP Classroom is also a key resource for success in passing any AP exam. Not only do they have practice questions, but they also have instructional videos of teachers going in-depth on specific exam material.

     Making sure you finish strong by the end of the year on your AP exams is key to success in the future. Utilizing the resources that you have, while also keeping good time management, will ensure steps for success during your AP exams this year. 

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