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David Dobrik ignites social media scandal
Recently, viral YouTube star David Dobrik has been receiving a lot of backlash from fans for some of his past videos. In June of 2017, Dobrik posted a vlog on YouTube titled, “HE THOUGHT HE WAS KISSING HER!! (SUPER CRINGEY).” In the video Dobrik tricks his friend, Seth Francois into kissing another man, Jason Nash, without consent. Since then, the video has been deleted, but its effects have lingered. Francois has come out to state the effect the video has had in his personal life. “I remember sitting in my room in Atlanta and I was thinking to myself, That video was wrong. I just felt like that shouldn’t have happened to me,” Francois said. Many more allegations have come out against Dobrik and his friends (The Vlog Squad) for how they treat others in their videos.
Although the act that Dobrik committed against Francois were

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horrible, Dobrik is receiving most of his hate from the public from a different video titled, “SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE PLAYED WITH FIRE!!,” posted in November of 2018. This video has also been deleted. In this vlog, Dobrik and his friends invited multiple girls to their apartment at the time to “hangout” with his friend, Dom Zeglaitis, also known as Durte Dom. While the girls were there, Dobrik allegedly asked his friend, Nash, to go and buy the girls alcohol since they were too young to buy it themselves. Nash refused as both he and his now ex-girlfriend, Trisha Paytas, who was also there, knew it was a bad idea. One of the other members of The Vlog Squad, it is unclear who, bought the girls alcohol instead. In the video, Dobrik says that two of the girls “agreed” to engage in sexual activity with Dom. It was also seen in the video that Dobrik had complete knowledge of the situation and would even look into the room. However, recently, many fans have found out this was not the case.
It was not until Mar. 16, 2021, that an article from Business Insider, published a statement from one of the girls in the video explaining that she had been sexually assaulted by Dom and was too intoxicated to give any consent to him. The victim went on to explain she had blacked out at Dobrik’s house. She then explained that she was taken advantage of by Dom while under the influence and David knew about it. She found out about the events that happened to her at Dobrik’s house from her friend because she was too intoxicated to remember. On Feb. 27, 2019, she even messaged Dom a detailed text about what he did to her, how wrong it was and how sick she was that the video was posted and how she wanted it to be taken down because it was an inaccurate representation of her as a person. Dom went on to respond to the message with “The video is down,” which is a complete slap in the face to the trauma this girl went through if you ask me. This was a serious offense that she will have to live with for the rest of her life and I don’t think it was taken seriously enough. Although Dom has faced a lot of hate in the media, he hasn’t had any charges against him for the heinous act.
Multiple members of The Vlog Squad, including Scotty Sire, Jeff Wittek and Dobrik himself have posted their own videos talking about the allegations against their friend group. The allegation being encouraging the assault and buying the girls alcohol. Dobrik especially stood out to viewers because he posted two. In the first, Dobrik talks about how “consent is always used in his content” and “he missed the mark on that video.” Many people were not happy with that assessment of the situation considering he barely apologized or said he was sorry for what happened to the girl. In his second apology video, Dobrik apologizes heavily for enabling a situation in which someone could get hurt or taken advantage of especially making it clear he had no idea about the use of his “power dynamic.” David had often invited fans to be in his videos for content. What he didn’t realize is that with all of his following, many of his viewers would do anything for him. Creating a power dynamic. I had often viewed Dobrik as a master manipulator, but never thought he would go this far for his content.
More allegations have been made against Dobrik after recent events, one being from Paytas. Paytas has also had a negative view of Dobrik. On Mar. 21 Paytas went onto her podcast, known as Frenemies, to expose Dobrik on the drama and how he used to video her without her consent and constantly call her crazy. This made me feel really bad for Paytas. She had always been judged in Dobrik’s videos and these events finally revealed she was also a victim all along. She even stated that her relationship with Nash ended because Dobrik did not want her around anymore. “The minute David told him to dump me, I get dumped,” Paytas said. She went on to explain how that had a huge effect on her emotionally and took a while for her to get over.
Another example of Dobrik and The Vlog Squad treating people horribly is Nick Keswani. He was also a member of The Vlog Squad for a period of time. Keswani came out with his story on Feb. 25 of how Dobrik and The Vlog Squad would bully him constantly for his dwarfism. “I felt worthless being in those videos. I was like, Dude, why am I even here? What’s the point in my existence?” Keswani said.
Aside from the fact that Dobrik has lost a huge following on all of his social media platforms, he has also lost a huge amount of sponsorships from places like Dollar Shave Club, Seatgeek, EA Sports and Audible. Youtube has also removed the monetization of his videos, which means Dobrik cannot make any money off of his posts anymore. Dobrik has released a statement on Mar. 23, that he plans to take a break from social media for a while to “educate himself.” However, many fans are skeptical that this apology came at a very coincidental time because of his sponsors dropping him. Whatever it may be, Dobrik committed countless horrific acts that members in The Vlog Squad should have spoken up against earlier about. I think that Dobrik does need to step away from trying to make content for a while.