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Issue 1

September 27th, 2019

COVID-19 vaccine becoming more accessible 

SUN. | 03-28-21 | NEWS

SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS

     Pitt County is currently in the process of administering Phase 4.1 of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution process. Phase 4.1 was implemented on Wednesday, Mar. 17 after an announcement from Governor Roy Cooper. Anyone who is 16-64 with high risk medical conditions and those who live in congregate settings now have the option to be vaccinated. Vidant has also implemented an online vaccine scheduler to assist those scheduling appointments to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. 

     “The vaccine online scheduler includes screening questions to ensure eligibility as well as dates and locations available to receive the vaccine,” Vidant Corporate Health Services Administrator Bobbi Jo Vaughn said. “Appointments are required to receive a vaccine from Vidant.” 

     The online scheduler is available at to any person that is qualified to receive the vaccine and planning to receive it at Vidant. 

     “Vidant has administered over 60,000 vaccines,” Vaughn said. “We continue to receive vaccine allocations from the state.” 

     Vidant health care professionals feel all three versions are safe and effective and are currently distributing all three. 

     “Vidant Health recommends that the best vaccine to get is the first available,” Vaughn said. “All are safe and effective.”

     The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines both require two shots while the Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires one. Pfizer’s shots are given 21 days apart while Moderna’s are given 28 days apart. The Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective and the Moderna vaccine is 94.1% effective. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is 66.3% effective according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

     Vaughn stated that Vidant has seen many adults from very different backgrounds and different age groups come to receive the vaccine. She has not seen an influx of just one particular age group. 

     Both Vidant and the Pitt County Health Department have been instrumental in orchestrating vaccine registration as well as creating clinics soley for Pitt County staff. 

     Pitt County Teachers were notified on Thursday, Feb. 25 that they were eligible for the vaccine.

     Rose Orchestra Director, Betsy Hughes, received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Friday, Feb. 26 at the Greenville Convention Center. 

     “We received an email from the district office and they had scheduled the time for us,” Hughes said. 

     East Carolina University’s Four Seasons managing director John Holloway and artistic director Ara Gregorian have set up performances for people receiving the vaccine at the Greenville Convention Center.

COVID-19 Vaccines.jpg

Graphic by Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson

Four Seasons is a music festival that operates through East Carolina University. Each Convention Center performer is a Four Seasons alumni and has to submit negative COVID-19 tests results as well as wear a mask, check their temperature, and social distance. 

     “I was able to hear a wonderful student perform some Bach on his violin while I waited my 15 minutes after I received my vaccine,” Hughes said. 

     Governor Cooper stated that all adults will be ready for vaccinations by May 1. Both Vaughn and Hughes believe that the vaccine is our greatest hope in returning to normalcy and they encourage those who are eligible to receive it as soon as possible.

     To register for an appointment or to find out if you’re eligible to receive the vaccine, visit 

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