Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Saturday sadies solves student conflicts
WED. | 3-14-24 | NEWS
A change was made to the Sadie Hawkins dance this year at Rose. The dance was moved to Saturday, March 2, after previous dances had conflicts with other school-related events.
Every dance at Rose has been on a Friday night, with the exception of Prom, since Covid. The Student Government Association (SGA) plans dances and handles ticket sales.
“We have always looked into the Saturday dates, for the most part, they work better for the school as a whole and with availability,” SGA President Caroline Clark said. “However in the past, there have been issues with keeping the building air conditioning on for the extra part of the weekend; it costs money obviously and there are some other reasons that in the past administration has preferred that the dances be on a Friday.”

Graphic by Owen Simmons
Putting the dance on a Saturday appeared to be the best solution, but is not met without backlash. Students with personal extracurriculars had to miss due to the dance being on a Saturday.
“I think it allows for the most people to be able to attend the dance and have adequate time to get ready and prepare,” Clark said. “Instead of it being right after school or right after your sport.”
Clark believes that moving the dance to a Saturday is beneficial to the majority of students at Rose.“We've always wanted the dance to be where everyone could attend,” Clark said. “However, due to some of the reasons I mentioned earlier, that wasn't approved by the administration until more of the backlash was coming in.”
Clark is thankful for the parents stepping in and speaking out about what they think should happen. The more people that speak, the more attention it brings.
“It gives people the entire day to get ready,” Clark said. "If the girls wanna do their hair and makeup, they don't have to rush after school… so it gives people more time to just prepare.”
Junior Jack D’alonzo was someone affected by the scheduling of both Winter Formal and Sadies“I was not able to attend the Winter Formal,” D’alonzo said. “I was pretty frustrated.”
“Basketball is something that I committed to,” D’alonzo said. “So that is something I need to follow through with even though I was frustrated.”
D’alonzo benefitted from the decision to move the dance to a Saturday.
“I can go this year because it is on a Saturday so that's a good thing,” D’alonzo said. “If it were on a Friday, I would not be able to go because I have another commitment which is not basketball, but lacrosse, so I would not have been able to make it because of the conflicting schedule with the game.”
D’alonzo is one of many students to be positively impacted by the decision to move the Sadies to a Saturday.“It gives people a lot more time on Saturday instead of going to school to prepare for the dance,” D’alonzo said. “I think it is a good thing it is on a Saturday.”
Clark is glad she could pick a date that best suits most students in the school. “I just wanted the most people to be able to attend,” Clark said. “Having a voice for the students was most important to me.”