Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Collins leads FBLA eastern region
THURS. | 4-11-24 | NEWS
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is an organization at Rose that allows students to learn real- world business skills while traveling around America to compete in events.
Junior Wright Collins has been in FBLA since his freshman year and has been on the officer team since his sophomore year. Currently, he holds the officer position of Vice President of Social Activities.
Collins ran for Eastern Region Vice President. A position that is a part of the state officer team.
“You get to work with all of the chapters of the eastern region and bring them all together to make it the best it can be,” Collins said. “I want to increase our middle school membership, and want to create a new chapter board to raise awareness to middle school students about FBLA.”

Photo by Elliot Flinchbaugh
FBLA advisor, Kurt Garner has helped tremendously with the process and guided him down a road to success.
“Mr. Garner walked me through [the process] and gave me examples from Keller and Katie,” Collins said. “He's always been there for me.”
There was an application process to be able to apply for the position.
“I had to fill out a study guide, at regionals I had an interview, and at states, I did little screening,” Collins said. “Then, I started campaigning and sent out my social media posts, and on Friday afternoon, I did a regional rally where I did the majority of my campaigning.”
Collins believes that a crucial part of his application process and path to winning was giving his speech in front of the voting delegates.
“I gave a speech and after I answered some questions, then the voting delegates came to the booth and I answered any questions they had,” Collins said.
Collins appreciates the time he has spent in FBLA and believes he has made the most of his opportunities.
“FBLA has really made a huge impact on my life and I truly believe in service and I want to be able to serve my other members in FBLA and give them the same opportunities I had.”
Collins’ campaign was successful and he won the Eastern Region Vice President position.