Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Chorus concerts recover following mask lift
MON. | 05-23-22 | NEWS
Seasonal Rose chorus concerts have gotten back on track following the return to full capacity for the 2021-2022 school year. The choral spring concert was held on Tuesday, May 10 at 7 p.m. inside the Rose Performing Arts Center (PAC).
Rose choral director Stephanie Peo and her chorus began preparing for their spring concert in early January because they also had other important events during that time, such as Broadway night that occured in April.
Spring concerts usually call for spring-themed songs for the Rose chorus, but Peo remains flexible when selecting songs for her chorus to sing. Peo believes that her students are in the spring spirit all year long, so it is not hard for them to get in that mode for their annual spring concerts.
“Some of the songs we performed can be considered spring-themed, but I try to program entertainment, education and positive reflection while also presenting a variety of musical styles and languages,” Peo said. “We have a lot of fun, socialize with

Photo contributed by Stephanie Peo
each other and when we get down to business, the students are very focused and professional.”
Due to several COVID-19 protocols being lifted this year, wearing a mask was optional for the chorus members during their spring performance. Peo believes that the lifting of the mask mandate and the return of in-person concerts has improved the quality of their chorus performance because it eliminates most vocal restrictions. However, there are still events that the many Rose chorus members participate in, such as All-State Chorus, which require COVID-19 safety precautions to remain in place.
“We are so glad to be able to perform in person, and even more pleased not to be required to sing with masks over our mouths and noses and working together as a team to create live music and beautiful harmonies that cannot be replicated via Zoom or any virtual platform,” Peo said. “However, masks are still optional and people should pay attention to the amount of space between themselves and others.”
Annual spring concerts are something that Peo considers a tradition, and she believes attending and performing in these concerts hold great benefits. She believes that each year this tradition is carried out, it allows the audience to hear music that they would not hear on most programs or radio stations and gives her students an opportunity to showcase their talent and hard work.
“Learning and performing live teaches my students both independence and teamwork as well as grit and resilience in ways that other activities and classes do not,” Peo said. “Attendance is gradually increasing and I hope to see a surge in attendance as we go forward.”