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Big hearts: Carter family empowers girls

TUES. | 03-08-22 | FEATURES

     When it comes to helping out others whether it is in or out of school, Rose junior Christine Carter and her mother Renee Carter believe their involvement in an organization called Daughters of Worth (DOW) is important to the community that they feel holds a special place in their hearts. Their family contribution has made a special impact on younger girls who may be struggling. 

    DOW is a nonprofit organization solely focused on the well-being of young girls who need help in a struggling environment who are in elementary, middle and high school. Christine became involved with DOW in the eighth grade. 

     “Daughters of Worth is a safe haven for girls who have been going through hard struggles in their life, family and overall environment,” Christine said. “I take girls under my wing and reassure them by giving them advice to help them cope with struggles that they may be facing.” 

     Christine contributes to DOW inside and outside of Rose by going to other schools in the county as well as meeting at the Boys and Girls Clubs. She also finds

herself running errands for her mother on a regular basis for the organization.

     “We work with food needs as well as hygiene; we have made motivational boards and have done spa days as well,” Renee said. “Being on call at all times to pick up the phone for the girls is a very important 

carter girls

Photo contributed by Christine Carter

detail when helping them if they may need something.”

     Part of DOW is run throughout schools by students; however, there are a fair share of adults and parents that lead the organization. There are special training courses that teach adults how to be proper leaders for DOW that make it safer and more professional when helping girls. 

     “Adults have to go through a training process to be able to interact with girls, which is a course called the Teddy Bear clinic that goes in-depth through learning about trauma and how it affects children,” Renee said. “However, young adults are still able to do volunteer work at the empowering events.”

     Out of all the things that Renee and Christine have done for DOW, the one that stuck with them in their hearts was having a girl stay with them for a little while, which helped them build a deeper connection with her. 

     "She's still very much a part of our lives; I talk to her at least once a week and sometimes even more," Renee said. "She is almost really like our family."

     Being close to the girl they housed, Christine was able to form a relationship with her that she will never forget. Going over and beyond for DOW is important to her, as well as making their guests happy and providing all possible support. 

     “In a community like this, any girl should be welcome to stay at people's households or even just help them out,” Christine said.

     In May, DOW has an end-of-the-year organization called Glam Girl of the Year. Because the organization is non-profit and receives sponsors, the money stays in the community, making it possible to provide for girls. Glam Girl of the Year is celebrated through a dinner with awards and achievements that the girls share through the year. 

     “The top three seniors get a scholarship of 500 dollars each; it’s so important because it drives girls to work hard,” Renee said. “They can take the money they won and use it towards college or if they wanted to go to trade school here.” 

      Due to COVID regulations and the difficulty of gathering as a group in person, this is the first year that DOW is not at Rose. Renee and Christine have very high hopes that DOW will be active at Rose next year, with in-person meetings and activities unlike meeting on Zoom when COVID started.

      “To join DOW, make sure to contact Liz, the establisher, or reach out to other girls who are associated with the organization,” Christine said.

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