Rose basketball highlights
Mon.| 4-22-24 | SPORTS
Junior soccer player Emmy Brandenburg has torn just about
everything in her legs, but she will not let it tear down her spirit. Her mentality has stayed strong through her many
injuries, which have all led to pain, time off, surgeries and physical therapy.
The beginning of high school was the beginning of Brandenburgs injuries. First tearing her ACL, MCL and LCL, leading to not playing her freshman and sophomore year. After
surgery, physical therapy, and lots of rest, she was ready to start her junior year season stronger mentally and physically.
However, during a drill in the first practice her leg twisted slightly the wrong way and she was suddenly left with a torn ACL, MCL, LCL and Meniscus in her other leg.
This may sound like a bumpy road, but Brandenburg sees these bumps as opportunities to help show others they can still see the good and make an impact, even with a few bolts and bruises.
“It’s gonna seem like everything is going against you, but in reality, it makes you stronger as a person because I know this has,” Brandenburg said.“You have to have a great mindset to
overcome it because once you do, you’ll realize how much it actually helps you and makes you a better person.”
Suffering from many injuries has only made Brandenburg mentally and physically stronger. Fighting through all of the pain during the moment, during her recovery and her mental lows hasbeen tough, however, she keeps her head up

Photo by Timmy Gates
Brandenburg pumps up in order to assist the team. She
has been sidelined this season due to her injuries.
up throughout it all. Brandenburg has shown what it looks like to have a pure passion for the sport, putting aside all of
her troubles to stay in the moment and enjoy what she loves most.
“It’s really tough at times knowing I did have a chance at one point to play, but the team is great,” Brandenburg said.
Not only helping the team with her positive perspective on her injuries, she also helps out by taking on the role as manager for the women’s soccer team. This position includes many responsibilities and relieves the team of a lot of stress that would not be possible without her.
“Now I am a manager and help take stats and run the scoreboard during games,” Brandenburg said.
Although Brandenburg has a positive attitude towards injuries, she still has to face a harsh reality. Not being able to play feels like wasting so much potential, and can be a mentality that is very difficult to get out of. However, she has a strong foundation and has found a rock to support and keep her steady even in the hard times.
“I’m spending time with the soccer team, but my mom has been my biggest supporter and she has been there a lot for me,” Brandenburg said.
Keeping all of this in mind, Brandenburg has been through a lot with all of her injuries, but putting all of that aside she just wants everyone to remember this one thing.
“An injury does not define you,” Brandenburg said.