Rose basketball highlights
Bacon navigates her sizzling schedule
WED. | 11-03-21 | FEATURES
Rose senior Blythe Bacon is the definition of well-rounded. She is the Mu Alpha Theta president, Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) president and Student Body vice-president. Bacon is also a Health Science Academy student, and member of FBLA, Rho Kappa, Dream Team, Science Honor Society, Link Crew, National Technical Honor Society, National Honor Society and Teen Leadership Institute.
On top of leading and being a participant in these activities, Bacon is also a basketball player and soccer player and challenges herself in a number of Advanced Placement (AP) and Pitt Community College (PCC) classes.
From start to finish, Bacon is usually occupied by these activities for close to 18 hours a day.
“I try to sleep in as much as I can and wake up around 7:40. I usually fall asleep around 12:30-1:00,” Bacon said.
Even before school, she has several things that she does including getting ready, eating breakfast, and studying.
“I am pretty fast about getting dressed and ready since I have it laid out the night before,” Bacon said. “I will get a protein shake on the way to school, and then I show up to school and usually go straight to my first period if I don’t have to go and check in with any other teachers and I might study for any tests that I have

Photo by Brena Gauland
coming up.”
After Bacon’s first period, AP United States Government, she has time to focus on homework, club leadership tasks, online coursework and college applications since she doesn’t have a second or third period class at Rose.
Although she is off-campus during second and third period, Bacon is an advocate of utilizing Refresh to get things done.
“I usually go to Refresh which consists of club meetings, math tutoring or anything along those lines,” Bacon said.
During fourth period, Bacon can be found in Honors Health Science II, a class that she thoroughly enjoys. However, the craziness does not stop at 3:34.
“After school [usually] consists of checking in with my teachers, working on college applications and club stuff, sports, maybe a basketball lesson [that I teach],” Bacon said.
Then, Bacon usually eats dinner, goes for a run, does homework and goes to bed during her sports’ off seasons.
For some, the countless items on a to-do list is daunting and may cause more stress than enjoyment. Bacon however approaches it differently.
“I enjoy being this busy. Just knowing that you are making an impact on your community and school is [what] really fuels me,” Bacon said.
“I think when you are really busy and are really engaged in high school, you are also engaging in the community and developing a broader lens of the world,” Bacon said. “I really like the sense of self-accomplishment that I am putting in so much effort to make my community better.”
Bacon’s go-getter and non-stop personality allows her to stay busy, which she believes can positively impact her community even further.
As for time management and trying to manage all that she does, Bacon recommends utilizing Refresh time, taking time for yourself and surrounding yourself with supportive people. Describing her planner as one of her most prized possessions, Bacon plans out her days to the minute months in advance which is helpful in allowing her to do all that she does.