Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Annual inductions return in person
SUN. | 11-14-21 | NEWS
SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS
The annual Rose Honor Society Induction took place on Nov. 3 in the Performing Arts Center (PAC) at 6:00 p.m. followed by a reception for inductees and their guests. Students were recognized for their honorable achievements and admittance into the honor societies.
“During the inductions, I always say a few words about the ceremony and the students overall, and then have a representative from each group who says something specific about the group that they represent,” Induction Ceremony organizer, advisor of National English Honor Society and advisor of Quill and Scroll Honor Society Ashley Hutchinson said. “Then, I call the names of every student along with the groups that they are being inducted into.”
The representatives for each honor society spoke about their group and the plans they have for the current school year. Parents of the inductees were able to learn more about their child’s accomplishments within their honor societies.
“For most organizations, it was their president [that spoke], but some organizations don’t have elected officers, so they chose a representative,'' Hutchinson said. “They talked about the goals of their group and potentially some of their service projects or other group projects they’ll do this year."
Each representative went into detail about the agenda behind their organization and the purpose for its existence.
“My role, as president, is to get up and say what National Honor Society (NHS) is and what it’s about before the introduction of the different honor societies,” NHS president Hayden Humphreys said.
Along with speaking at the ceremony, presidents and

Photo by Savannah Jones
representatives have many other responsibilities within their organization.
“For me, it’s a lot of organization whether that be keeping up with the credit spreadsheet, making sure service projects are in order, coming up with service projects and making sure that meetings go smoothly and are planned properly,” Humphreys said.
There are many aspects of the induction ceremony that require planning. Hutchinson has been in charge of the induction ceremony for about 10 years and has organized all of the details required to orchestrate the event.
“Planning the induction ceremony requires communication with the different honor society advisors, which involves choosing a date and working around sports and arts schedules,” Hutchinson said. “We don’t want to overlap when the arts department needs to use the PAC, and we don’t want the inductions to occur on a night when there are sporting events.”
The induction ceremony has had many adjustments over the years involving the number of honor societies participating in order to perfect the event in an efficient manner.
“It started as a smaller group of honor societies working together and has grown to include more groups over the years,” Hutchinson said. “I’m glad we can do it this way because that allows for all the parents to come in on one night and see their children receive whatever honors they’re receiving at once instead of having to come out to Rose eight different times.”
However, this year’s induction ceremony was different from past occurrences due to the ongoing pandemic and the setbacks that are brought along.
“It’s a little bit later this year because we were waiting to see what was going to happen with COVID, closures and restrictions,” Hutchinson said. “Typically they take place in October but this year [they were] in early November.”
The induction ceremony not only honors the students’ accomplishments individually, but also the student body as a whole.
“I think it’s a really great night to be able to see the number of students that we have walking across the stage who are all involved in different service projects,” Hutchinson said. “It’s a testament to how committed we are as a school to promoting a culture of service.”