Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Rose alumni adapt to virtual learning shift
FRI. | 9-10-20 | NEWS
Two weeks after North Carolina universities allowed students to return, the UNC school system made the switch to remote learning due to COVID-19 outbreaks. These are the schools in the UNC school system that have had to switch so far: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), East Carolina University (ECU), NC State University (NCSU). This has caused changes to schedules and living situations for many Rose alumni.
The switch from face-to-face learning to online learning has impacted many students.
Rose alumna and NCSU freshman Hannah Scott Chamblee began her semester with two face-to-face classes and four online classes.
“I’ve had to begin to plan out my classes at the beginning of each week to make sure I can keep up with all of my assignments since professors are expecting students to be more independent,” Chamblee said.
Students have had to begin a new way to study and learn due to switching to remote learning. This has caused students to rethink time management and become more efficient in their studies.
“All lectures and assignments are made for us to do at our own leisure, so time management has been a huge problem for me,” Rose alumna and ECU freshman Caroline Christopher said.
ECU began the semester with block scheduling, shortening time allowed on each course. However, UNC began with a hybrid schedule allowing for more time to adjust to remote learning.
“Professors are expecting too much from us,” Rose alumna and UNC sophomore Corry Eason said. “We have to attend Zoom calls for the entire duration of all classes on top of all assignments.”
The overall switch to online classes did not affect Eason because all of her classes were all online to begin with which was announced in July. However, internet problems with Zoom have become a big issue.
“I often miss important topics during lectures due to connectivity problems,” Eason said. “This causes me to spend more time trying to connect to Wi-Fi rather than focusing on my course curriculum.”
Not only has online classes affected thousands of students’ workloads in North Carolina, many living situations have been greatly affected. Several students have begun to move back home or search for last minute living situations.
“I started off the year living in Greene residence hall but only for three weeks until ECU told us to leave dorms,” Christopher said. “I was lucky to find a house to rent for the year since residence halls had so many restrictions.”
Many freshmen and those living on-campus were put into an unusual situation with short notice. However, those who live in off-campus housing were affected in a different way.
“I only stepped foot on campus once this year, but I am so thankful I lived off campus,” Eason said.
The social aspects of college have been drastically affected by COVID-19 due to students being evacuated from campus unless approved for isolation to live in a dorm. However, some students have been faced with a more drastic change, such as changing their college choice.
“I had already paid a deposit to Virginia Tech University which was my dream school,” Juliana Chaires Rose alumna and freshman at ECU said. “When I saw no change in the pandemic I decided to attend ECU, so I wouldn’t have to pay more for a lesser education due to remote learning.”
College students are being faced with serious life path choices due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational dilemmas due to online classes are affecting college choices and ways to get involved around campus.
“I feel sorry for freshmen who didn’t get the opportunity to experience dorm life,” Eason said. “I made some of the best memories in my dorm.”
COVID-19 has deeply affected the way people interact, especially in the education aspect. Universities have been advised to close their doors and rely on technology. This has created an abnormal situation for students across North Carolina.

Infographic by Jack Vick