Rose basketball highlights
Aladdin play diversity addressed
THURS. | 12-30-21 | OPINION
The 2021 school play, Aladdin Jr., was not only phenomenal, but also showcased a diverse cast and crew. The Rose theatre department has a long history of diversity within itself.
It was refreshing to see a school program truly represent Rose’s diverse student body. The main character, Aladdin, was played by junior, Josiah Jernigan, who is African American and a part of the LGBTQ+ community. The genie was played by African American student Briona Carr. The genie is traditionally a predominantly male role that was played by a female student, who put on an amazing performance, by the way. Jasmine, another lead character, was played by a hispanic student Amaya Serrano. The cast isn’t the only part of the show that

Photo contributed by Jacquline Golebiowski
showcases the school's diversity. The crew also has a diverse set of students. Junior, and assistant stage manager, Lily Walker is another student that is part of the LGBTQ+ community.
The cast and crew put on an amazing show that was thoroughly enjoyable all three times I saw it. I commend both cast and crew for their efforts.
I believe that the cast and crew is so diverse because they have fostered an accepting environment. Every member of the cast and crew is friendly with one another and seems to accept each other for who they are. This is not a new thing to Rose. Our theatre department has a history of being diverse. This is the second school play I have been to, the first being Freaky Friday my freshman year. The cast for this show was also fairly diverse.
Through theatre the diverse student body can be easily showcased. They are on stage performing for the whole school to see. I feel as if this is important in schools as it shows students, parents and teachers alike how diverse and talented our student body is.
I believe that other programs in the school can do what theatre does to increase their diversity as well. A school group should represent the student body as a whole so if a group shows it is accepting of others, it can not only increase their numbers as a whole, but more accurately showcase our diverse student body. In my opinion if a club does this it is fulfilling the most important aspect of a school organization.
Through their accepting attitude towards students, theatre teacher Jacqueline Golebiowski and head of the tech department Cristina Borisoff have been able to cultivate a thriving, diverse program. This theatre program is one that should serve as a model for other programs in our school and theatre programs in other schools as well.